Business books that have read all over the world


Business books that have read all over the world 576_1

In addition to the list of business books, popular last year in Russia, we have prepared a selection of foreign business books that received awards as the best in your category or entered the list of the best in the Non Fikshn category.

No Filter, Sarah Freier

Winner of the FT Business Book of The Year Prize

All you wanted to know about Instagram and its founder Kevin Sistoma, and many more exciting insider details from the history of the startup from the Bloomberg journalist. The most interesting when reading a book is to observe how little to whom the right application is changing itself, changes our life and turns into a huge business. In Russian, the book will come out this year.

Tiny Habits (Russian edition - "Nanopryovka"), bi ja phogg

Best Business Book, Amazon

The topic of behavioral design, change habits to achieve success, including in business, is at the peak of popularity for a couple of years. It is not by chance in the United States with a bestseller in the business book category in 2020, the Atomic Habits James Cleary became. Bi Jay Fogg 20 years ago founded a laboratory in Stanford precisely to study behavior. In addition, he works in practice with innovative companies, so the book will be useful to entrepreneurs who wondered to change their habits.


Book of the Year, Business Book Awards

Another trend that is discussing a lot and write a lot of people - the future of people in conditions of technological changes and competition with robots, artificial intelligence and so on. ORM, London Business School Program Director, Founder of the Creative Business Center, a well-known business speaker, looks at a person's prospects to find work with optimism. His approach is that in the new reality, the secret of employment is to use human curiosity and creativity.

The Price Of Peace, Zakari Carter

Top 10 Books of the Year, Publishers Weekly

A book about the great economist John Mainard Keynes, written by a journalist Huffington Post. This is an example of an excellent modern non-Fixne literature, which combines an interesting story about the influence of Keynes ideas on the world in which we live, with curious details of his saturated biography.

Uncanny Valley (Russian Edition - "ominous valley"), Anna Wiener

Top 10 Books of the Year, The New York Times

In the stream of books about take-offs and falls of startups of the Silicon Valley of Memoirs Anna Wiener about her experience in such a company are allocated at the expense of personal history. This is a book about what is a woman in the male IT industry, and that the world of technological companies is not what it seems.

The Price WE Pay, Marty Macares

Business Book of the Year, Sabew Business Journalists Association

The problem of financing health expenditures is relevant for any country, but in the United States, especially in a pandemic, its decision has become vital for the country. Maery, Dr. and Professor Johns Hopkins University, one of the leading medical experts, explores the economy of the industry and answers the question why treatment is so expensive.

Billion Dollar Loser, Rivs Vaideman

Business Book of the Year, The Times

Unprecedented takeoff and fall of the company WEWORK flexible offices and its founder Adam Newman creates an enchanting history in which it is difficult to believe. The book is read as a fascinating fairy tale with the participation of venture funds, developers, Hollywood Stars and other colorful characters, in which they are waiting for incredible adventures worthy of billions or even tens of billions of dollars.

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