Update is cool, or what's wrong with Android 12


This week, Google launched Android beta test program. 12. Despite the fact that we have only the first assembly for developers, which has not even had an official presentation, it did not prevent us from understanding the changes that have occurred and badly understand what to expect Updates by the time you exit the final version. A new design concept, a list of innovations and the degree of borrowing - all this allows you to form a clear impression of the value of Android 12, which, according to my modest estimates, is rather low.

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Android 12 turned out to be a little more interesting than Android 11, but still very boring

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To begin with, I propose to decide on the concepts and clearly understand for yourself, why do you need updates? In addition to fixing bugs and vulnerabilities, they must carry some fundamental new features that cannot be implemented using third-party software. For example, the recognition technologies for the remote control of cars or, at a thin end, creating screenshots screenshots, which, although they look like an extremely primitive thing, still have a certain value for many of us.

New Android 12 functions 12

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The most notable innovation of Android 12 is a redesign

So, if we study the list of innovations that Google prepared for Android 12, then we understand that no particularly significant value is borne by the update. Here, see what is waiting for us:

  • Control tapping on the back cover;
  • Support screenshots screenshots;
  • Advanced backup function;
  • Function loading unused applications;
  • Gaming mode (disables notifications, blocks screen rotation, etc.);
  • Improved screen rotation (based on the data from the front);
  • Improved multitasking mode;
  • Support for the VPN protocol WireGuard;
  • Anti-tracking system in applications;
  • Compact screen mode;
  • Chamber and microphone activity indicator;
  • Prohibition of third-party payment tools in Google Play.
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Android 12 gives the innovations those functions that have long been available to users of custom shells

As you can see, there is nothing fundamentally new here. All this has already been implemented in third-party shells, which manufacturers are installed on their smartphones. Take at least EMUI 11, which is built on the basis of Android 10. There you will find most of all functions that Google gives both innovations of Android 12. But at the basis of EMUI 11 lies the version of the operating system, which this year will be fulfilled by as many as two years. But there are both screenshots, and the compact screen mode, and the normal rotation of the screen, which does not work falsely, and everything else.

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Yes, none in one shell did not have an anti-trekking system, which would interfere with developers to track users in applications, and then sell the collected data to advertising networks. Equally, none of the manufacturers could establish a ban on the use of third-party payment tools in applications. Therefore, only these innovations can be called real innovations. Another thing is that they will be implemented only in the interests of Google itself.

Is it worth waiting android 12

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You make no sense to wait Android 12, if you do not have a device on pure Android

The ban on the use of third-party payment tools will increase the collection of commission fees for embedded purchases, and the implementation of the anti-trekking system is for Google a question to maintain your own authority. After all, if you remember, after Apple has established a ban on collecting user data without their knowledge, Google had to obey him and abandon the surveillance in his applications on iOS. Then Google was frightened that users could leave Android, feeling not by customers, but a commodity.

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In general, what is it all I? Waiting for the release of Android 12 to you if you are not the owner of the smartphone on the pure Android, you are completely nothing to do. Nothing fundamentally new you is waiting there. Another thing is that if the manufacturer of your device itself decides something to dilute the meager set of innovations proposed by Google, and this will certainly be. But in this case, Android 12 he is unlikely to be needed. Huawei has already proven that as such an update of the source platform to update the functional series of smartphones is not required. And if so, why do we need Android 12?

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