What errors in the repair of the bathroom is better not allowed? - Top 10 wraps


By repairing the bathroom on its own, we acquire new skills, save the budget and create a situation that you dreamed about. But some errors in the repair of the bathroom with their own hands can lead to sad consequences. We tell how to avoid them.

Do not plan

Read also the right repair sequence

Start repair from buying plumbing and finishing materials Wrong: first it is necessary to create a drawing plan, where they will be reflected:

Dimensions of the room;

dimensions of furniture and equipment;

location of sockets and lamps;

Laying of ceramic tile.

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This stage cannot be skipped if you want the bathroom comfortable and competently planned. After creating the drawing, explore the construction market on the Internet, pick up plumbing and materials suitable for style and color solutions.

The Internet will allow you to navigate in prices, learn about the reliability of suppliers and manufacturers, explore the possibilities of online order and delivery design. Only after this stage you can go to the selected store to see the goods alive and purchase them (or order).

What errors in the repair of the bathroom is better not allowed? - Top 10 wraps 5750_1

Do not make waterproofing

Read also How to get rid of mold in the bathroom?

After dismantling the old finish and before facing the floor and walls, the tiles must be protected by waterproofing. The construction market offers different options: applying a special solution (mastic, liquid, paste) or sticking the strips of waterproof material.

It is especially important to waterproofing in places of installation of sanitary ware, where moisture acts constantly and contributes to the development of fungus, including in the sectors of the sewer pipes and the compounds of water supply units.

Without insulating material, water is absorbed into concrete. In case of a flood in an apartment building, the repair will need to be done not only at home, but also in the neighbors on the lower floors. Also, due to leaks, mold may occur.

What errors in the repair of the bathroom is better not allowed? - Top 10 wraps 5750_2

Forget about revision hatch

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Tightly sewn pipes provide aesthetics in a combined bathroom and deliver many problems and inconvenience. Luke is necessary for free access to water accounting devices (meters) to remove the indicators every month.

Auditing hatch allows you to overlap water in the case of long departure, repair or accident, as well as replace water accounting devices after time.

What errors in the repair of the bathroom is better not allowed? - Top 10 wraps 5750_3
What errors in the repair of the bathroom is better not allowed? - Top 10 wraps 5750_4

Totally save

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Most people seek to save a family budget during repairs, and it is right, but if you rewind the bathroom, buying the cheapest tile, putty and paint, or acquire used sanitary equipment, the room will soon cease to look new.

By choosing building materials, prefer moisture-resistant - this information is always indicated in the description or on the package.

Do not buy mixers who are in use: Soon they will fail.

Do not save on the tile: the cheapest may be uneven, which will also affect the styling process, and on the result.

What errors in the repair of the bathroom is better not allowed? - Top 10 wraps 5750_5

Make a little slope

This error threatens water toast, and hence the unpleasant smell in the bathroom. This is especially important if you install a shower cabin or carry a toilet bowl. Pipes must be mounted with a slope or make them as short as possible.

The further souls from the sewer riser, the stronger there should be a slope of the pipe.

If an unpleasant fragrance exudes the sink, the problem lies in the improper connection of the sanitary node with sewage. Water should remain in the siphon to serve an obstacle for bad smells that can fall into the apartment.

What errors in the repair of the bathroom is better not allowed? - Top 10 wraps 5750_6
What errors in the repair of the bathroom is better not allowed? - Top 10 wraps 5750_7

Forget about joints

Sealants for the bathroom perfectly protect the seams from moisture, preventing the occurrence of mold and swelling of furniture. Sealing should be subject to:

junctions between tiles on the walls and floor;

between the bathroom and the walls;

Furniture connection locations;

The joints of the shower pallet with walls and gender.

If you do not use sealant, splashes and condensate will fall into the gap, creating a favorable environment for the growth of pathogenic bacteria. The most popular and high-quality sealant is silicone. It is suitable for most finishing materials and has good adhesion.

What errors in the repair of the bathroom is better not allowed? - Top 10 wraps 5750_8

Not to provide storage locations

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What is fraught with this error? First, the abundance of jars and tubes on open shelves visually litto the room, reducing the pleasant impression of fresh repairs. Secondly, the small bathroom seems even less if the leaving means remain in sight. Thirdly, open storage makes it difficult to clean: before rubing the surface, you will have to move the items and after put them in place.

For storage, I perfectly suit the cabinet with the doors (instead of the sink on the pedestal) and suspended cabinets (instead of the shelves).

What errors in the repair of the bathroom is better not allowed? - Top 10 wraps 5750_9
What errors in the repair of the bathroom is better not allowed? - Top 10 wraps 5750_10

Choose wrong grip

Try not to save on the grout when cladding walls and gender: the poor-quality product will have to be updated frequently. The cement composition is rapidly destroyed with a constant impact of moisture, so give preference to the epoxy resin-based grip: it is much stronger and more stable for pollution.

Another suitable option is a compound grout, which consists of cement, but divorced by a latex plasticizer. The mixture is so strong that is often used on buildings facades.

Do not stir up mechanically! In order for its structure to be homogeneous, make the solution manually, otherwise the air, which fell during the stirring of the drill, will break the integrity of the grout. It will quickly turn around and refill from the seams.

What errors in the repair of the bathroom is better not allowed? - Top 10 wraps 5750_11

Ignore ventilation

The window in the city bathroom is rarity, therefore, in order to avoid condensate and stamping wet air, leave a small distance between the door and gender. The tightness of the bathroom faces the same mold. Natural ventilation will allow this to avoid.

If you are the owner of a tightly closing door, smash it out after hygienic procedures for venting, or take care of the installation of forced ventilation.

What errors in the repair of the bathroom is better not allowed? - Top 10 wraps 5750_12

Damage tile when drill

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The final stage in the repair - installation of hooks, mirrors, hinged lockers and shelves. With incorrect drilling, the material can split: this error will result in a time-consuming element replacement.

Consider that the top layer of the tile is the most durable, so do not turn on the drill in the perforator mode.

Pick the special cut for each type of products - the usual concrete is not suitable here.

Before working, swipe the place of the future hole with painting scotch.

Slowly and carefully drill the material on small speed, keeping the device directly.

What errors in the repair of the bathroom is better not allowed? - Top 10 wraps 5750_13

Try to prevent annoying mistakes when repairing the bathroom to make the room as beautiful as possible and comfortable.

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