What exhibitions pay attention to March. Two centuries of the Russian sculpture, works of artists-Millenialov and photos of Boris Smelanova


"Paper" chose 13 new Martis exhibitions, which should be paid attention to, and tells about them in opening. Read about the expositions of Leningrad unofficial art, the project of the participant in the Venetian Biennale and a large-scale exhibition of Russian sculpture. Some expositions opened in December and February continue to work.

In St. Petersburg, the coronavirus pandemic continues. "Paper" asks you not to forget about the precautionary measures.

Watercolor improvisation to verses of Mandelstam

What exhibitions pay attention to March. Two centuries of the Russian sculpture, works of artists-Millenialov and photos of Boris Smelanova 5740_1

There are practically no illustrations to the poems of Mandelstam's Osipa, which is explained by his creative handwriting: the images created by the poet is difficult to translate into the embracing series. Petersburg artist Valery Valran decided to fix it: he created illustrations for the poetry of Mandelstam for 20 years. The exhibition presents watercolor improvisation of Valran, based on 101 poems poem: from early work to works of 1937 from "Voronezh Tetradays".


until March 14 (except Sunday)

A place

Anna Akhmatova Museum


100 rubles



Petersburg myths from modern artists

What exhibitions pay attention to March. Two centuries of the Russian sculpture, works of artists-Millenialov and photos of Boris Smelanova 5740_2

The phenomenon of the Petersburg myth originates in the works of Pushkin and Gogol, other authors have been working on this theme: from Andrei White to Obeherutov. The exhibition in the center of modern art named after Sergei Kurekhina shows how modern artists are addressed to the theme of the city myth - Vladimir Abih, Stas Bags, Nikolai Kopeykin, Vasya Polykin, participants of the Art Group North-7 and others. They all created their own St. Petersburg characters: astronauts, snowmen, dwarfs.


until March 29 (except Sunday)

A place

CSTI named Curekhina


160 rubles



Painting and objects from the Leningrad Artist

What exhibitions pay attention to March. Two centuries of the Russian sculpture, works of artists-Millenialov and photos of Boris Smelanova 5740_3

Sergey Kovalsky is the co-founder of the Pushkinskaya-10 Art Center, one of the key figures of Leningrad unofficial art. The exhibition in Didi Gallery is already the second personal exposition of the artist in this space: the last exhibition project "Color of Music" was opened during the life of Kovalsky, in 2013. The new project continues the idea of ​​the first: the exhibition contains the work of Kovalsky, inspired by musical works (there are QR codes next to the cancons, which can be heard by melody). In addition, the artist's objects from the "Parlialoshar" series were put in space.


until March 29 (except Monday)

A place

Didi Gallery.


is free



Photoproject to the 200th anniversary of Fedor Dostoevsky

What exhibitions pay attention to March. Two centuries of the Russian sculpture, works of artists-Millenialov and photos of Boris Smelanova 5740_4

Valery Degtyarev is one of the oldest living Petersburg photographers. His exhibition "The delightful city" in Rosfoto is timed to the 200th anniversary of Fedor Dostoevsky. Visitors show photographs made in various printing techniques - for example, using bromo-grades. The plots were removed by the author from 1998 to 2008: these are pictures of the old Petersburg, the interiors of the front and few portraits of people who are indirectly sending Dostoevsky's heroes. Author's sheets, the plots of which were filmed by the author from 1998 to 2008


until April 4.

A place



150 rubles



Online exhibition about signs, inscriptions and letters in the city

What exhibitions pay attention to March. Two centuries of the Russian sculpture, works of artists-Millenialov and photos of Boris Smelanova 5740_5

The interdisciplinary project "CITYSPLY" launched the Museum of the History of St. Petersburg with the participation of Illustrator Ilya Tikhomirov, designers and researchers. The creators consider different aspects of urban life: from sound landscapes and architecture to cards and zins. Part of the project was the program "Words from letters", dedicated to signs, inscriptions and other texts, woven into the life of the city. An online exhibition with research, conceptualist street ads and data about St. Petersburg parks has become the result of walking, lectures and workshops.


until December 31


is free



Photos of Boris Smelova

What exhibitions pay attention to March. Two centuries of the Russian sculpture, works of artists-Millenialov and photos of Boris Smelanova 5740_6

An exhibition of photos of Boris Smelov is one of three new exposures in Kgallery. The bold became one of the founders of the Soviet informal photography, he glorified portraits and genre pictures with Leningrad landscapes, and in 2018, the personal exhibition of the photographer was arranged in the Hermitage. The author also worked in the genre of still life, removing various historical artifacts from its own collection. More than 40 works of the famous photographer from the collection of Vadim Egorova will be put in the gallery on the embankment of the Fontanka.


from March 4 to April 2

A place



250 rubles



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Works of modern 30-year artists

What exhibitions pay attention to March. Two centuries of the Russian sculpture, works of artists-Millenialov and photos of Boris Smelanova 5740_7

The new temporary exhibition of the Russian Museum united the works of Millennalov artists born in the 1980s and 1990s. Some authors make an emphasis on their individual experience, others work with the "external" side of art, demonstrating a special attitude to material and technology. In the halls of the Marble Palace, you can see the works of Vladimir Abikha, Tatyana Akhmetgaliyeva, Lisa Bobokka, Asi Marakulina (by the way, her personal exhibition will open in Masters on March 5), Misha Marker, Nestor Engel and other authors.


From March 4 to June 14 (except Tuesday)

A place

Marble Palace


350 rubles



Personal exhibition of Peter Reichet

What exhibitions pay attention to March. Two centuries of the Russian sculpture, works of artists-Millenialov and photos of Boris Smelanova 5740_8

For his career, the artist Peter Reicht managed to work in a variety of genres and technician: from painting and graphics to sculptures and installations. The author created his works from various materials, both traditional (for example, from papier-mache) and extravagant. For example, Reichet was preparing work from samovarov, and in the work of the "Hut on Courish Legs", the artist used Borshevik. Experimed by the author and with reference to other areas in art: from Russian icon painting to Nude genre. Reich residents for a long time lived in Denmark, his work is in the meeting of many museums of the world: from the Russian Museum to the Museum of Modern Art Arnhem. Personal exhibition of the artist will be held at the Museum of Art of St. Petersburg of the XX-XXI centuries, the exposition will work until the end of March.


from March 5 until March 28 (except Monday)

A place



200 rubles



Nature in the painting of Russian artists

What exhibitions pay attention to March. Two centuries of the Russian sculpture, works of artists-Millenialov and photos of Boris Smelanova 5740_9

Another new exhibition of the Russian Museum will begin work in the Beno'a Corps: visitors will show the works of famous Russian landscape players - Ayvazovsky, Savrasov, Queenji - and their followers, such as the Climate of Rishko, the student of Roerich and Kandinsky. The emphasis will be accepted in paintings in which artists portrayed the most impressive and bright natural phenomena: sunny and moonlight, thunderstorms and lightning, rainbow, sunsets and northern lights.


from March 5 to June 21 (except Tuesday)

A place

Benua housing


400 rubles



Emperor Sundoo Transformer Alexander III

What exhibitions pay attention to March. Two centuries of the Russian sculpture, works of artists-Millenialov and photos of Boris Smelanova 5740_10

In the blue bedroom of the Winter Palace, they will open an exhibition of one subject - the hiking chest of Emperor Alexander III. This item created by the inventor of Firewear Kostovichi could be transformed and performing different functions: beds, a bureau or a dressing table. In the chest of the emperor were stored folding chairs, a desk, a first-aid kit, bedding, kitchenware sets, cutlery and a stove for cooking.


from March 6 to August 26 (except Monday)

A place

Hermitage, main museum complex


500 rubles



Photos of the Premiere of the Mariinsky Theater

What exhibitions pay attention to March. Two centuries of the Russian sculpture, works of artists-Millenialov and photos of Boris Smelanova 5740_11

Xander Paris is the premier of the Ballet of the Mariinsky Theater, who came to Russia in 2010. In our country, the Briton became interested in photography, for ten years he filmed a ballet: colleagues and scenes out of the crowd of the Russian theater. The best photos of Parsis will put in Arts Square Gallery on Italian Street, and you suggest to read the interviews of the paper with Parish.


from 11 to March 31

A place

Arts Square Gallery.


300 rubles



Russian sculpture from the XVIII to XX century

What exhibitions pay attention to March. Two centuries of the Russian sculpture, works of artists-Millenialov and photos of Boris Smelanova 5740_12
I.P. Martos. The burner of the monument to the Grand Prince Elena Pavlovna. 1806. Marble, grinding. 140 × 75. GMZ "Pavlovsk"

The new exposition in the "Manege" prepared together with the Russian Museum, Hermitage, Tretyakov Gallery and other museums. The project was based on a large-scale scientific study of the Russian sculpture of the XVIII-XX centuries. More than 150 sculptures will be shown visitors to "Maneja": not only recognized masterpieces, but also works that were previously practically exhibited. The artistic solution of the space was prepared together with the director Vasilya Vasilyamy and the Cirkul creative workshop.


from March 20 to May 16

A place

CHIL "Manege"


300 rubles



Member of Venetian Biennale - About Human Cobes

What exhibitions pay attention to March. Two centuries of the Russian sculpture, works of artists-Millenialov and photos of Boris Smelanova 5740_13

Philip Shangty is a French multidisciplinary artist working with photography, sculpture, video art, painting and performances. His project "The Future has already come" entered the top ten works of the 58th Venetian Biennale, now the Frenchman's work reached St. Petersburg. In Erarte, they will show the work of Shangty, dedicated to human vices and their attractiveness for contemporaries. The artist uses provocative visual images (for example, with semi-naked women and weapons), facing beauty and cruelty.


from March 26 to June 21 (except Tuesday)

A place



800 rubles



Previously, "Paper" told about the main restaurant discoveries of February. Also read our material about the restart of Pavlov Museum in Koltysh. More such texts can be found in the "Guides" section.

Sergey Kovalsky died in August 2019

So Kowalsky called his artistic concept dedicated to the development of culture in the XXI century.

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