# Waubes: Women doors congratulate Ugra

# Waubes: Women doors congratulate Ugra 5728_1
# Waubes: Women doors congratulate Ugra

March 8, residents of the district will thank women on the advanced fight against COVID-19.

At events dedicated to the International Women's Day, they will express special thanks to women doctors, volunteers, social workers, pharmacists, as well as fair sex representatives working on a festive day. For them, congratulations will be organized on the streets, in public places, at work and service.

During the All-Russian campaign "Give women flowers" in the parks, in the squares, in large shopping centers, the volunteers will give festive bouquets.

For women who went on a journey for holidays, congratulations will be made in buses, trains and aircraft, as well as at the station and at airports. Favorite spring melodies will sound on the transport facilities.

In addition, in the parks of municipalities and in the squares plan to carry out small competitions, comic shares and flash drives dedicated to women and with their participation.

Congratulations of Ugra soldiers will be accompanied by commemorative photo shoots, the main goal of which to show live emotions, emphasize the uniqueness of female beauty.

A whole congratulatory company for wonderful ladies will unfold on the Internet. Within the framework of the online promotion "You, Favorite!" Numerous shares, flash drives, original video spending and surprises, recording of favorite songs, as well as culinary gifts will be organized.

Ugra is shared by publications and video streams of loved ones on their pages in social networks. Materials will be published under a single hashteg # Wambey.

Promotion "Breakfast for loved ones" is culinary gifts of schoolchildren to their moms, sisters, grandmothers. Under the guidance of experienced cooks, they will prepare delicious and original dishes by providing their sincerity and love. Then the guys will lay out video with hashthegers: # RDSH, # Pradeshawned # 8Mart on page RDSh.rf.

According to the results of the action, 10 authors of the best videos will receive memorable gifts from the Russian movement of schoolchildren.

The inhabitants of the district will also be able to congratulate her beloved from March 8 and from the screen of the main television channel of the region. To do this, you need to participate in the shares of the Yugue TV company - "hug you in the word."

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