9 types of Japanese arts who conquered the whole world with their originality


For a long time, Japan was isolated from the outside world. In this regard, the Japanese culture did not experience the influence of the outside. In the country of the rising sun, such original arts, as origami, Iquaban, as well as manga - modern Japanese comics developed.

We are in ADME.ru with pleasure we study eastern culture and once again were convinced of how many aimed arts of this country are. And in the bonus we will tell how foreign works were translated into Japanese.

Previously, popular engravings performed the role of advertising leaflets

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Japanese engravings Ukiyo became one of the peculiar symbols of the country and helped to form an idea of ​​traditional Japanese aesthetics around the world. Engravings were mainly intended for urban residents who could not afford to spend money into paintings. However, initially many popular images had a different meaning. For example, to take at least the Engraving "Beauty Handing Okit". As a rule, such pictures were frankly advertising and could advertise lipstick or powder.

Origami could afford only wealthy people

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The art of folding paper has developed in Europe, China and Japan. In the rising sun, paper figures were made solely for religious rituals. Gradually, this tradition has passed into a secular culture, although it was possible to afford the origami classes, only very wealthy people could, because the paper in those times was the subject of luxury. In the Guinness Book of Records, the most diverse records in the art of origami are represented, so that the folding of paper is not turning the lack of paper.

Manga - art that goes deeply in history

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Manga in the form in which it currently exists, has experienced a strong influence of Western traditions. Manga is also rooted in early Japanese art. According to specialists, already in the XIII century, illustrated scrolls appeared in Japan, who told stories with witty pictures. Interesting fact: the characters are manga such more eyes because of the love of one author to Walt Disney cartoons. He scratched inspiration from Mickey Mouse and other Disney films of the 1930s and 1940s. From there he borrowed the technique of drawing a huge expressive eye. Other artists began to repeat behind him.

In Japan, there is a tattoo art - Iredemi

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In the rising sun, there is a special technique for applying Tattoo - Iredezum. The drawing is applied to the skin manually with special ink - Nara. Application by Irodezumi is a painful and labor-intensive process, besides, only specialists known as Chorishes can apply such a tattoo. Usually the drawing is something for the real Japanese - Koi carps, Sakura branches, Japanese demons, court ladies, geisha. Initially, such tattoos were sacred. The Japanese believed that Irozumi is a kind of protective talisman. But they also began to be applied as a punishment - the drawings were branded prisoners. Then Irezumi became popular as a decorative decoration and were applied, for example, in love. It is known that the tattoos did firefighters that believed in their protective properties. Later, the drawings on the skin were outlawed and became associated with crime. Until now, Irodezumi is stigmatized and find a tattoo salon - a big problem.

Vocation Geish - Entertain guests and keep their secrets

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In the period of Heian, the marriage did not mean the loyalty of the man to his wife. At the same time, the woman was supposed to be a modest mother, which takes care of a homely focus. In other words, love in such a marriage had a secondary meaning. A man could look for a romantic relationship on the side, which led to the appearance of the Kurtisanok, and then the geish who were called upon to entertain guests. Partly Geisha can be called Tamada. She needs to interest customers, allow them to relax, forget about their problems, but also to preserve their secrets. As a rule, the "business" of Geish, their home, or Oka, managed only women.

Iquiban and Bonsai

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The Japanese also tremblely and with attention even to plants. Iquiban originated in the country - the traditional art of layouts of cut colors and shoots in special vessels, as well as the correct placement of these compositions in the interior. It is said that even the most terrible Japanese samurai practiced Iquiban as a relaxing hobby. Bonsai was also spread - the art of growing an accurate copy of the real tree in miniature.

Anime - cartoons not at all for children

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© Spirited Away / Studio Ghibli

Even those who have never looked anime, one way or another know something about Japanese cartoon art. Unlike the cartoons of other countries intended mainly for children, most of the anime produced is designed for adolescent and adult audience. The cartoons of the director Hayao Miyazaki are particularly popular in the world, and the "Oscar worked with ghosts" even received an Oscar.

Samurai - Mysterious Cast

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Japanese samurai has almost mythical reputation. Special caste, noble defenders of their Mr. - Romantic components of their image. However, in the overall sense of samurai were military-feudal nobles. After the opening of Japan for the rest of the world, young samurai often became student exchange, because there were ambitious and educated. Upon return, some have discovered private schools for higher education, and many samurai have become reporters and writers and founded publishing companies.

Sumo - exhausting work

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This type of martial art is famous worldwide. It seems that there is nothing difficult in competitions: 2 full men try to defeat each other. In fact, the tradition of Sumo is conducted from ancient times, so every match is accompanied by numerous rituals. The challenge of life at the chaser is very strict: dense dinners, many hours of workout. There are amusing facts. For example, the fighters are forbidden to drive a car, because many sums are too large to fit behind the wheel. Another fact: Sumo wrestlers have no large amount of visceral fat, but there is a good metabolic profile. The secret of their relative health is regular exhausting training.

Bonus: Translators often allowed liberty

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After the restoration of the Imperial Board in 1868, Japan opened its borders for the rest of the world. The country began to actively translate and sell overseas work. For example, the first Russian book, which has become affordable to the Japanese reader, "Captain's daughter", published "Amazing to lead from Russia. Notes about the shower of the flower and thoughts of the butterfly. " At the heart of this small product, a romantic history was lying - a love triangle. The main characters of the work were Mary, Smith and Danton. Of course, it is not easy to find out in such a non-trivial interpretation of Pushkin's "Captive daughter". There was no other line, except for love, was not translated. The book enjoyed great success.

And what kinds of art tried to do you? Perhaps origami or Iquaban?

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