Super friste about good and evil. We looked at the Zack Snidder Justice League

Super friste about good and evil. We looked at the Zack Snidder Justice League 5704_1
Super friste about good and evil. We looked at the Zack Snidder Justice League 5704_2
Super friste about good and evil. We looked at the Zack Snidder Justice League 5704_3
Super friste about good and evil. We looked at the Zack Snidder Justice League 5704_4
Super friste about good and evil. We looked at the Zack Snidder Justice League 5704_5
Super friste about good and evil. We looked at the Zack Snidder Justice League 5704_6
Super friste about good and evil. We looked at the Zack Snidder Justice League 5704_7
Super friste about good and evil. We looked at the Zack Snidder Justice League 5704_8
Super friste about good and evil. We looked at the Zack Snidder Justice League 5704_9
Super friste about good and evil. We looked at the Zack Snidder Justice League 5704_10

Yesterday we looked at the film, the fate of which Netflix can remove the Saga, is not inferior to the "game of thrones". If not remember, the "League of Justice" already went out in cinemas three years ago. Onlyiner even had a review on him. But today is quite another thing: and you don't need to go to the cinema, and the film has become completely different. And this is almost an infinite four-hour visual buzz.

From "soap" to the opera. Fantastic Fate "League of Justice"

Above the megilm began working back in 2010. Surely Zack Snyder planned that this work would be its Magnum Opus. I have a lot of climb, if we take into account that we are talking about the director close to genius from the point of view of the visual "300 Spartans", "Keepers" and "prohibited reception".

After a fairly successful rental of "man from Steel", he was entrusted to the development of the cinear comic-universe DC. Snyder immediately set up the grand plans. The same "league of justice" was supposed to exit in two parts. However, as the work on the blockbuster is promoted, plans had to be adjusted, and not for the better.

Today, few people know exactly what happened between Zakov Snyder and Bosses Warner Bros. But it is known that at some point the Hollywood wallets lambered in the ability of the director to remove the blockbuster, which will gather a huge cashier. They began to change the scenario, "slaughtered" the second part of the League, and they put to the snider, in fact, the supervisors in the face of a couple of new producers who had to control everything every day, which occurs on the set.

It is saying that the conflict between the director and producers broke out due to the different vision of the stylistry of the League of Justice. Zack Snyder hoped on a dark aesthetics in the DC style, whereas in the Warner Bros., focusing on the success of MARVEL filmmix, wanted a more colorful and cheerful blockbuster.

As a result, Snyder left the project at the stage of the post-sales. He himself stated that he could not work on the film because of the recent death of his daughter. Only later it turned out that Zak, in essence, "left." Prior to that, he managed to show a rough version of the tape studio bosses, which were extremely unhappy with seen. They urgently called Joss Odon (by the way, the director of the Avengers).

He began to repaint the scenario, throw out the "extra" episodes and try to shut down the holes that appeared in their place by the way. Later, Odon recalled that his hands were also connected on many questions. As a result, he did not have time to follow several key episodes and closed his eyes to the unfinished special effects (the superman's face with the "exconvertible" mustache is something with something). And this is all about the film, whose production has already spent more than $ 300 million!

The release "League of justice" decided not to tolerate. The studio was ready to complete failure. However, taking into account the Bardak, who accompanied the process of production of the blockbuster, the result was not so terrible. Yes, from the "League of Justice" expected more, and a standard filmmix was obtained with stupid dialogues, a "hand-face" level humor and more or less demolished special effects. This makes packs, and the audience look like nothing.

Rent a "League of Justice" even almost managed to beat off the costs of marketing. That is, there was no speech about the full failure. Warner Bros. Several tens of millions of dollars lost, but was ready for a much worse outcome.

Meanwhile, the fans of Zack Snider demanded a director's version of the long-awaited tape. Moreover, Zack himself said that only a quarter of that material came to the rolling version that he was filmed. A petition appeared on, which was signed by almost 180 thousand people. Actors of the original film joined the original flashmob.

The public pressed on the Warner Bros., plus there, most likely, they saw the ability to cover new expenses by the launch of the director's version of the League. In the end, the progress of the Snider was given $ 70 million and complete creative freedom. Fans are delighted, and the "league of justice Zack Snider" quietly lies in the network, where it can be viewed for three kopecks, or even at all for free.

In the cinema such a sight and the truth is difficult to overcome: the movie goes four hours! But at home I looked at the film by a volley. And before that, he revised the "Fair Faith" three-year limitations. Total six hours. What happened from all this venture?

The most spectacular blockbuster. For nefanat

For those who have not watched the "League" of 2017, it is not worth looking at it. The Zack Snidder Justice League is an independent movie that does not need to compare with the predecessor.

The story is trivial. Superman died, the whole planet sadness, and then the overseas aliens learned about such a snack piece as our planet. To defend the honor of the earthlings are called superheroes. They are collecting Batman throughout the entire film, which is especially stirred by Superman.

Actually, in its structure, the tape is about two thirds consists of the representation of each of the heroes of the league. The last third is the final battle and a strange episode with the participation of Joker. Perhaps the last 20 minutes is the main complaint to the "League of Jack Snidder Justice". Frankly an unnecessary scene, without which the director's version would not lose anything to a smooth account.

But get acquainted with the main characters interesting. The good of the timekeeping this time is enough to reveal the characters of the same cyborg, Flasha, Aquamena, Wonder Women. Nothing unusual or outstanding, but this is at least just well-prescribed characters, each of which has a distinct motivation for their sometimes strange actions.

However, this movie is worth looking not so much for the sake of the relationship between superheroes, how much for the picture. What the Zack Srider does not take away, so this feeling is beautiful. He is not hesitated by combat scenes, does not mask them with accelerated shooting, but on the contrary, constantly savoring the details in Sloomm. At some point even begins to seem that there are too many slowdown scenes here. Probably, this is all because of the unusually long timekeeping.

Delivers the gloomy style of the director, whom he noted in the time of "300 Spartans". This game with dark light filters and cyberethetics is not-no yes and makes the finger reach the button "Pause". Screenshots can be stuffed every second, the wallpaper is inseminating about the reserve for years ahead. Sometimes the frames look too pathetic, but, damn it, they are always just beautiful.

It is unlikely that I will be mistaken if I say that this is the most spectacular film over the past few years. Snyder gladly leaves and almost every frame tries to saturate with graphics or at least beautiful species. There are no extensive dialogs and other attributes of modern blockbusters that fill the time between a pair of combat episodes. No, in fact, all four hours - non-stop action, which Zale, together with the audience, is glad to consider from all sides.

Surprisingly, even a simple plot from the position of today's day is perceived not with such an indulgent smile, as three years ago. A simple history of the opposition of pure good and obvious evil without any halftone today clings much more. On one side - a wonderful woman with partners, on the other - a horned invader with a gang of winged scumbags. Some are trying to defend universal ideals, others want to enslave everyone and all. Everything seems to be simply, but at the same time it is difficult, as in any centuries, the current civilization myth.

Zack did everything that could. For fans

If you are a fan of the Universe DC and / or the films Zack Snipher, and also if you with pain and misunderstanding met the "Fair Fair League" 2017, then the director's version should like you much more. For this Snyder spent tens of millions of dollars, a couple of years of life and several diopters in reading fan wishes and perturbations.

The result differs from the predecessor at least 97%. Zack has stopped several episodes, removed a bunch of scenes and added new, recycled special effects, literally cut out several characters and diversified the picture by other heroes, changed the motivation, shut off the plot, pushed a film by any logic and consistency, threw blunt jokes, threw out paint.

In fact, the general canvance on the basis of the League of Justice and the fight against the steppe wolf remained from the tape of 2017. Everything else has changed. The main antagonist looks completely different, and from his Logova finally removed a stupid family history from the Soviet town, similar to Chernobyl, or on the islet.

The main action-scenes, including the battle in the collector and the confrontation of the League members with the risen superman. The key battery closer towards the end also flourished with new paints and accents. At the same time Zack Snyder explained many episodes that caused questions and bewildered from fans. There are answers to questions and about the costume of Aquamena, and about the essence of the conflict between the risen superman and cyborg, and about the first battle with the aliens.

Almost all the most stupid scenes were removed, from which three years ago the blood oozed from the eyes and ears. Now Parademovs do not feel fear (how much because of this there were shameful moments in the film of three years ago!) And do not leave after your death tips to superhero. Flash stopped being afraid of the beetles, and the steppe wolf at the end of the almost won battle does not disappear with stupid phrases like "you are fed up, my mother calls." From now on, cyborg is not an extra character, but almost the key and most interesting hero of the tape. A flash is not annoying with excessive reverence.

Almost everything, for what we had a claim three years ago, in the "League of Jack Snidder's Justice" or disappeared, or is kindly disguised. Now this is a clean pleasure for the eyes, a visual feast, from which the installation of the curve, stupid dialogs and stupid inept humor are not distracted.

8 Evaluation of the author The current "League of Justice" is a typical job of Zack Snipher, for which he certainly will not be ashamed. An excellent entertainment, one of the most spectacular blockbusters over the past few years, a classic story about the struggle of good and evil, which, despite the simplicity, is perceived particularly acute.

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