In Ugra, full-time digital literacy courses

In Ugra, full-time digital literacy courses 5700_1
In Ugra, full-time digital literacy courses

In Ugra, educational courses of increasing digital literacy returned to full-time format. Training programs have prepared specialists from the Ugra Research Institute of Information Technologies. For a period of a pandemic meeting with the course participants transferred to the remote format. And now, teachers and listeners have the opportunity to meet personally.

Now more than 400 Ugra has already been recorded for digital literacy courses. Plates for classes are traditionally served by libraries. There are computers connected to the Internet. Yes, and a curator who helps to study digital sciences, it is convenient to work here. Especially for classes created workbooks, they were prepared by the Research Institute of Information Technologies of the Ugra. According to them, students are engaged directly on courses, and at home.

Elena Plotnikova, Curator of courses: "They do hardly, go. Those people who came consciously, that is, they wanted to go, which did not persuade to come, namely they wanted them, they go, and they like it. And very, responsive. It can be seen that people like and nice to work with them. " Establish digital literacy at Ugra, began 15 years ago. Directions - from basic computer access skills to blockchain technology. A total of 20 courses available. A suitable training program can be chosen for any age and level of knowledge. For example, pensioners often select "Fundamentals of digital literacy" and "Basics of Safe Work on the Internet". For youth, web design and graphic editors are interesting. Natalia Starikova, Head of the Center IT-Competence, Yuniite: "We are now recruiting groups, we will teach, we will have three streams: in March, in August and in November. Already now more than 200 participants. The guys will learn and lead the Ugra into a digital future, because the team, first of all, of course, we need. " In Ugra, the learning system for digital competencies is free and is available absolutely to everyone. Over the past year, the courses graduated over 15 thousand Ugra. Especially such classes are useful for the older generation. Rimma Khabibullina, a member of digital literacy courses: "I like everything. And housing and utilities payment, I went, prescribed, prescribed, and do not go. I am such a person who is not a lover in the queues, but just sat down and everything here. Scored, did it all. " Nikolai Plotnikov, a member of digital literacy courses: "Now while winter time, there is nothing to do, here I come to do." All courses are represented on the portal "Digital Citizen Ugra". Access to them is free. In the plans of Yuniite for 3 years to train more than 100 thousand Ugra.

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