20 strange and funny photos from Google-cards


Everyone knows what Google Maps is - this special robotic equipment goes around the world and removes landscapes, then the computer program glues these photos and turn out online cards for which you can virtually walk in almost any corner of the world.

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Machine Google MAP. Photo from open access

During the shooting in the frame, different moving objects, animals and people, often shots are turned out unsuccessful. But the soulless technique does not care what is photographed, then glued. And as a result, pictures are obtained that cause and horror and laughter at the same time. Companies had to even introduce the posts of editors that look for such photos and remove them. Here is a new portion of jokes that ordinary users have noticed before editing. And our comments.

Almost all flew away, only legs remained

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Photo from open access

Somewhere on Earth there is such a place. I do not want to get there!

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Photo from open access

New car brand?

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Photo from open access

Strange people on the beach, and others don't care

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Photo from open access

The girl literally collapsed on the spare parts

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Photo from open access

If a child is so terrible to think about how parents look like

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Photo from open access

How does it keep like this place? BUT?

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Photo from open access

Poor! And how does she turn his head without neck?

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Photo from open access

Save-Help! Pull me out of here!

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Photo from open access

Uncle is okay! But the legs in red shoes look crazy

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Photo from open access

And where so much headless? Are these their helpless mom?

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Photo from open access

Got out of the Underworld Selfie

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Photo from open access

That's it! Elephants on envy

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Photo from open access

Something with this Madame is not so. But what?

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Photo from open access

Call the police urgently, there someone asks for help

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Photo from open access

This is from which puddle he drank, what was such a goat?!

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Photo from open access

New breed of dogs "Varvara-Long-Nose"

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Photo from open access

Yes, such a dinner to feed - all day at the slab stand

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Photo from open access

Many ears and many noses, but not a single mouth. And how does he eat?

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Photo from open access

A new type of giraffes was found. Neck - Polkilometer

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Photos from open access are the most ridiculous and incomprehensible outfits of the primaudonna Alla Pugacheva. It became known where the Batalov widow spent money Nikita Mikhalkov. It became known that one of the Russian celebrities lives with Alphonsees and does not understand this.

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