In the boarding school, fire exercises were held for the elderly. But how is the "special regime"?

In the boarding school, fire exercises were held for the elderly. But how is the
In the boarding school, fire exercises were held for the elderly. But how is the
In the boarding school, fire exercises were held for the elderly. But how is the

Readers are concerned: some kind of late, in their opinion, the activity was shown by rescuers in Logoisk. It turns out that the other day passed the Emergencies Ministry's teachings in the local boarding school for the elderly and disabled. The problem is that just now, the boarding school is in a special mode due to the COVID-19 - the guests are forbidden to go out, and the staff works on a half months. And here - rescuers, photographer, and even without protection ... We asked what was going on.

On February 25, as part of a single security day, Roccov and other services were held. This writes a district newspaper. One of the platforms was the boarding school. Scenario Typical: Floating in the room due to telephone charging. The alarm has worked, the staff began to perform their tasks, then the fire calculations arrived on three cars. Three Roches workers rose to the 5th floor of the fire staircase on the facade, two more took advantage of the auto expense. And "as a result of coordinated actions, the conditional fire was eliminated by", and the "victim" was assisted.

Then, informs the publication living and the staff reminded of fire safety.

All this is great. But on the website of the boarding school hangs a message: From November 1, a special mode has been introduced here. Meetings are canceled, transmission - only through the receiving office with processing and two-hour pause. For employees - Watch for 15 days.

"It was, of course, a very painful moment for the whole team," said Oleg Nekhechik, director of the institution, MLYN.BY. - After all, many had to tear away from the family, the children immediately by half a month. However, only in this way we can minimize contacts with the outside world and prevent the mass distribution of the disease among those living, where most are disabled of the 1st and 2nd groups, elderly with a bouquet of diseases. For them, infection may be deadly.

She also told about the daily survey of personnel, monitoring residing. With a temperature or cough - immediately in boxing. That is, orders of strict. (By the way, it is obviously not like everyone inside the boarding school.) And here - exercises, outsiders ... Call the director: Was the special regime, protected with such thoroughness?

He assures that precautions were observed: everyone was masked, and those who reside brought out of the chambers before the rescuers began to work there.

In general, according to Oleg Nekhichik, guests with outsiders did not directly intersect, the Ministry of Emergency Situations communicated only with the staff.

At the same time, the Director is confident that in terms of security, the exercises were needed, including in the current situation:

- If this is not done, what happens? Employees live on a watch method, various restrictions have been introduced, some transitions are blocked, the doors. It's one thing when everything is in place, another - when the change is on duty. If you do not work out, travel routes, you can allow anything. To transfer to another time? And if something happens now? ..

In the Minsk Regional Office of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the same position: training is important at any mode. They noted that the workers were masked, it was removed only during a conversation with the staff of the boarding school.

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