The beginning of the work of the Parliament of Kazakhstan of the first convocation

The beginning of the work of the Parliament of Kazakhstan of the first convocation 5686_1
The beginning of the work of the Parliament of Kazakhstan of the first convocation

The foundations of parliamentarism in Kazakhstan laid the 1995 Constitution. Following it, the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan consists of two chambers: Senate and Mazhilis.

The Senate form deputies elected at 2 people from each region, the city of republican significance and the capital at a joint meeting of deputies of all representative bodies, respectively, the region, the city of republican importance and the capital of the republic. 7 deputies of the Senate are appointed by the President of the Republic for the term of office of the Senate.

Majilis consists of 77 deputies. 67 people from them are elected at single-member territorial constituencies formed taking into account the administrative-territorial division of the republic and with an approximately equal number of voters. 10 deputies are elected on the basis of party lists on the system of proportional representation and on the territory of a single nationwide constituency.

The term of office of the deputies of the Senate is six years, the term of office of deputies of Mazhilis - five years. The national composition of the parliament is represented by Kazakhs, Russians, Ukrainians, as well as representatives of the Azerbaijani, Armenian, Donggan Korean, Uzbek, Uygur, Chechen and other ethnic groups.

Elections to the Senate and Majilis of the Parliament of the First convocation took place in December 1995. Most deputies before the election worked in senior positions. Many of them had the experience of pedagogical, research and creative activity, as well as experience in trade union and public organizations.

Among the elected deputies, managers and employees of local executive bodies were most presented - 19 people. Each fifth deputy worked as the head of the enterprise, association, firms, fund and other structures. 9 deputies were employees of science, higher educational institutions, teachers. Every tenth deputy was an employee of the presidential administration, ministries and republican committees. Temporarily did not work 4 deputies. In the agrarian sphere, 11 deputies worked, 3 in the field of culture. Employees of law enforcement agencies and economist engineers were two deputies. One deputy worked as a lawyer, one was a military personnel and one was a pensioner.

On January 30, 1996, the Chairs of the Chairs of the Kazakhstan Parliament were elected at the first meeting: Majilisa - M.T. Ospanes, Senate - O. Baygeldi.

On March 20, 2016, elections were held in the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the Sixth convocation.


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