Pavlov Museum in Koltyshi restart - opera-installation and other modern art will appear there. That will be the new exhibition


In the Museum of Physiologist Ivan Pavlova in Koltysh, where the SainS-Art Anthropology exhibition already works, will open another exhibition. In the new project - "School of Pavlova" - the works of modern artists will be combined with the memorial space of the old laboratory.

For "new anthropology", scientists, artists and curators received several awards. The exhibition "School Pavlova" makes the same team: the second stage of the restart of the museum, the presidential grant fund allocated more than 7 million rubles.

"Paper" listened to the presentation of the project with the participation of Irina Aktoganova and representatives of the Institute of Physiology and tells what the new exhibition will be.

Memorial space in the laboratory Pavlova will complement contemporary art. There will be a sound art and immersion theater

The new exposition will take the entire second floor of an old laboratory - a bright building built specifically for Ivan Pavlov in 1933. Some premises are used for the memorial museum today, but they will be repaired, and modern objects will be added to historical exhibits. The re-exposure of the halls will be the most careful, they say in the museum: old items and furniture will retain, adding them to sound art, video stations and art objects.

The goal of updating historical rooms is the "revival" of exposure while maintaining the memoriality of space. For example, exhibits on the veranda of the building will complement the audio recordings and archival videos with a family dinner Pavlovy, and in the office of the scientist will put the department - they will broadcast a chronicle with the speeches of the scientist.

The living room organize an immersion subject theater with four scenes dedicated to different epochs. The old radiol will serve as a remote control: with its help, the guides will be able to switch light and sound to attract the attention of visitors to different parts of the room.

The smallest changes will be subject to a silent chamber - a hall in which the dog's figure is adjacent to historical equipment, which scientists used to study conditional reflexes. The room is clean and painted, and the original equipment will complement the audio artist Dmitry Schubin: the author will create it on the basis of sounds that were broadcast dogs during experiments.

Pavlov Museum in Koltyshi restart - opera-installation and other modern art will appear there. That will be the new exhibition 5658_1
Cabinet Pavlova New exposure will be dreamed not only by Pavlov, but also his scientific school and the Institute of Physiology as a whole

More large-scale changes are waiting for those rooms that are not currently used for museum activities. Expositions in these rooms will dismiss the Pavlov itself, but the Institute of Physiology and his Scientific School.

One of the premises will be devoted to the student of Pavlova, Academician Leon Orbel. The space will talk about the development of Pavlovsk ideas and the emergence of new scientific directions. For example, on one of the walls, the object of the artist Sergey Denisova will be post: his work is called the "rhizome of Pavlovskaya science" and is a list of scientific concepts and ideas that originate in the works of Ivan Pavlov.

Other rooms will be dispersed with space medicine and works by Academician Vladimir Chernigovsky, as well as research by Alexander Corn in the field of natural technologies of biological systems.

Pavlov Museum in Koltyshi restart - opera-installation and other modern art will appear there. That will be the new exhibition 5658_2
The exposition on primatology over the exhibition is working by the authors of "new anthropology" and modern artists. They created an opera installation and other objects

The curator of the exhibition project Irina Aktuganov attracted work on the exposition of modern artists, many of which participated in the project "New Anthropology". For example, Lyudmila Belova created two works for him: the site-specific installation "Expected" and the "Creative Workshop" room built on the principle of Kunstkamera with different colors.

The history of the scientific town in Koltysh and the project "New Anthropology". Read in the detailed material "Paper"

Among the new project participants, for example, Igor Pottukaylo and Dmitry Boyko, working on the "time car" in the living room. Sculptor Pavel Ignatiev creates for the second floor to the opera-installation of the Pavlovsk session of 1950: at this meeting, many followers of Pavlov were criticized, and the development of certain directions of science was inhibited. Ignatiev created a libretto opera, the artist Dmitry Shubin and Choir of the St. Petersburg Museum of Sound was helped in the implementation of the plan.

Other art objects will also appear on the second floor: from the mechanical typewriter to the speech analyzers Boris Shershenkov, inspired by the works of Galeev Bulaev.

The exhibition is planning to open by the summer. Art objects will also appear on stairs and in the park

There are no exact timing of launching a new exposure: the curators and representatives of the museum expect to open space on June 1, but the date can still be changed. Artists have not yet completed work on their works, so delays are possible.

However, it is already known that "School Pavlova" will not be limited only by the second floor. On the stairs of the old laboratory will establish the installation of "Procopy" from the creative association of Valab. This work is a study of the cultural layer of the soil in Koltysh: the artists will explore the soil and visualize the data obtained.

In addition, the stairs will be given a vegetable-cyber-cyber device Ivan Karpov, and in the park near the building - the biomorphic sculpture of Dmitry Kavarfi. Excursions will be held in the green zone, and after the discovery of the "School of Pavlov" in the building of the biopund should begin the work of the Permanent Saint Art-Residence of the Group "Wheregate Dogs".

Pavlov Museum in Koltyshi restart - opera-installation and other modern art will appear there. That will be the new exhibition 5658_3
Bike Ivan Pavlova surrounded by plants

Also read the paper "Paper" about the most interesting St. Petersburg exhibitions of February.

For example, the artist Lyudmila Belova will create ceramic dishes on which Pavlov's statements and excerpts from texts about him will apply.

Vice-President of the USSR Academy of Sciences, one of the creators of evolutionary physiology.

"ROVER" translated from French. The key concept of the philosophy of post-structure and postmodernism, introduced in the turnover of dece and Guattari.

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