Rosstandard promoted the results of checks of a gas station in 2020


Rosstandard spoke about the results of checks of gas stations throughout Russia: during the 2020, the department examined 1015 gas stations, the fuel was 130 of them - did not comply with the established requirements, writes

Rosstandard promoted the results of checks of a gas station in 2020 5632_1

"At 130 gas stations, from 1015, Rosstandart's proven facilities found violations of physicochemical fuels as a result of control and supervisory measures in 2020. In addition, in 92 cases, documentary violations were identified, and in 213 - violations of mandatory requirements for ensuring the unity of measurements, "the press service of the Ministry of Industry is said.

In total, 1942 sample of automobile gasoline and diesel fuel, 152 of them (7.8%) were not selected and tested, 152 of them (7.8%) did not meet the established standards. According to gasoline, the share of identified disorders was about 3.5%, in diesel fuel - 15.1%.

Rosstandard promoted the results of checks of a gas station in 2020 5632_2

The agency allocated the most frequent violations of physicochemical indicators: "Mass fraction of sulfur" (19 cases - gasoline; 80 cases - diesel fuel), "octane number" (3 cases), "Flash temperature in a closed crucible" (49 cases), "Cetane number" (6 cases).

Deputy head of Rosstandart Alexey Kuleshov noted that "active work on the fuel market in recent years has led to significant positive results." According to him, the share of the detected surrogate decreased in 5 years more than 2 times.

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According to the results of the values ​​of the gas station within the information project "Fuel without deception", Rosstandart prepared a new "Fuel Card of the Russian Federation - 2020". The regions on it are painted by color depending on the risk to refuel by poor-quality fuel.

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According to Rosstat, from January to November 2020, gasoline prices in the Russian Federation increased by 1.9% compared to the same period of 2019. AI-92 went up by 1.7%, 43.27 rubles per liter, AI-95 - by 2.1%, 46.95 rubles per liter, AI-98 - by 2.2%, to 53.28 rubles for liter, diesel fuel - by 2.7%, to 48.54 rubles per liter. In November, compared with October, gasoline went up by 0.1%, compared with November 2019 - by 2.4%.

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