This is the strangest entrance to the apartment in the whole country. Found owner

This is the strangest entrance to the apartment in the whole country. Found owner 5594_1
This is the strangest entrance to the apartment in the whole country. Found owner 5594_2
This is the strangest entrance to the apartment in the whole country. Found owner 5594_3
This is the strangest entrance to the apartment in the whole country. Found owner 5594_4
This is the strangest entrance to the apartment in the whole country. Found owner 5594_5
This is the strangest entrance to the apartment in the whole country. Found owner 5594_6
This is the strangest entrance to the apartment in the whole country. Found owner 5594_7
This is the strangest entrance to the apartment in the whole country. Found owner 5594_8

Such a hatch could appear in the popular Lost TV series, but it turned out to be in the Minsk five-story building. A huge hemisphere has become a mystery for all neighbors in an ordinary house on the Color Street, and her owner stopped appearing in the apartment. After our publication, a man found and agreed to tell about what is happening. It turned out to be except the miracle doors, he still has many ideas regarding the arrangement of its housing.

On incredible ideas

Dima has a huge beard, a modest smile and sea tan. For the last year and a half, he is in Georgia - went on a journey and decided to stay. Says somehow it happened itself.

Long-time Dmitry conceived great repair and decided to start with the door. He spent on her creation all these years.

- There was a lot of planned, there were different ideas, we won't tell. For me it was something big, I wanted to realize something like that ... I was in this no one year. I did the door, simply simply sitting in the apartment and thinking how to make the room so that I wanted to be in it constantly.

Different were ideas absolutely. There was an idea with technologies, but dear very: all the walls, the floor and the ceiling to make screens. Then it would be possible to say, move to different worlds. You take and find yourself, for example, on Jupiter, "says Minskhanin.

There was a Dima and another idea: to create a "living structure", which would visually erase the boundaries of the room. For example, a man wanted to make all the walls transparent and put on them smoke.

- I do not know, glass is not glass; Thought about different materials. It would seem that the air is everywhere and you like in weightlessness. But these are complex things. The smoke will most likely settle on the walls of a transparent material, as a result, if not clearing, you will not see anything. We need to work well all these questions, "says Dmitry.

About creating door

From the side it seems that the incredible size of the room should be behind this intergalactic egg, but there is a standard odnushka. There is no leaving for repairs yet, but Dima wants to return and continue the realization of his ideas. But it is hardly unlikely to: only over the door, the owner worked as many as five years.

- There were a lot of things, because I did it for the first time. I am an experimenter. At first I had an idea simply, I was lying down along the course, so long. I was very tired of it all.

And I seemed to complete everything, but did not have enough ... I am very regretting now that I could not finish it - I would have been working there for another week, I would have brought to the end. I just understand how it works. People who first see something see, perceive the wrap: like if not painted, it may seem dirty. I did not complete a little, it did not work very well.

The whole work Belarusian did with his own hands. He started at first many times, all the time she reworked and modified.

- At that time I liked the flowing forms, cars cast. I decided to make the door like a spoon: on the one hand, we conclude, on the other, the deployed. I made this monolith about the size of the door, and then I hollow out a chisel, I tried any electric tools.

But it went hard. I have already done something, for example, a tree has extended some kind, and then I saw something wrong. How to return the part that I already rushed? I have done music to this music, and the sound you can change every second, and with the tree it will not work. Ogruzh, and then you think: maybe in vain?

Dima has always been engaged in creativity. For a while he sewed and sold backpacks, created his own crafts with his own hands, engaged in music. The creation of the door was his new hobby, which was stretched for years.

About agreement with housing and communal services

In the near future, Dmitry plans to return to Belarus and continue repairs. First of all - finish the door so that it does not scare the neighbors. As for the form and volumes of the door, then with this, according to our interlocutor, there were no problems at the stages of agreement.

- I communicated with the workers of the ZhES, with the architect one and in general with the guys who are engaged in construction. Asked because he increased a little doorway. I explained the public utilities that many norms we have very obsolete, and they themselves understand that it does not entail the danger. And in general, the conversation was light - they say, you can do.

- I understood that these words, but was already during the process. I decided to be brave. I thought that I would finish all this, I will make an exhibition, I will enjoy the support of the creative forces of Belarus. I will prove that you can see it differently - if there is no danger to the building, then why not? "The young man argues, however, he admits that his parents are concerned that they may have problems, and even think about whether the door cannot be replaced with the usual one. Dmitry, of course, it would be extremely not like: he spent too much strength and time so that all this was just gone.

- This door is an unfinished thing for me. I understood a lot during the work process on it. When you work with new materials for yourself, you understand a lot of new things not only about construction, but also about some laws of the universe as a whole. I would like to finish, it would be good for everyone.

See also:

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