20+ cases when people expected one thing, and in reality everything came out much cooler


Very often in our life waiting do not coincide with reality. The purchased product is not at all like that on the package, the finished dish is completely different from what is depicted in the recipe. Fortunately, this is not always happening. Proof of this - photos from network users who have not been expelled especially, but in the end they broke the Kush.

We in ADME.ru wish you to break off the jackpot even in such trifles as the purchase of frozen pizza or cooking bread on a special recipe. And from the bonus you will learn what is the shelf for spices, if you make it following the example of Homer Simpson.

"I am impressed, considering that this is a pizza for $ 3"

20+ cases when people expected one thing, and in reality everything came out much cooler 5580_1
© Miss_aia / Reddit

"For the first time, baked cookies in the form of coffee beans. Pleasantly surprised by the result "

20+ cases when people expected one thing, and in reality everything came out much cooler 5580_2
© Alonatiunina / Reddit, © Meitachi / Reddit

"I'm so glad that my biscuit turned out to be more than in the picture"

20+ cases when people expected one thing, and in reality everything came out much cooler 5580_3
© Sweetjazz25 / Reddit

"Damn it's close to the picture. Bought it at refueling "

20+ cases when people expected one thing, and in reality everything came out much cooler 5580_4
© TaserBeam / Reddit

"In this pizza, much more fillings than shown on the box"

20+ cases when people expected one thing, and in reality everything came out much cooler 5580_5
© DarkPollopesca / Reddit

"Left is my sketch of the cake that I wanted to do. On the right - what I owe me "

20+ cases when people expected one thing, and in reality everything came out much cooler 5580_6
© Mathwifey / Reddit

"I'm terribly proud of myself, this is my best cake today. Everything is done by me manually. By the way, I am a checker self-taught, cake decorator. "

Waiting fully justified

20+ cases when people expected one thing, and in reality everything came out much cooler 5580_7
© Pastina2 / Reddit

"I myself made this shelf as a gift to my second half"

20+ cases when people expected one thing, and in reality everything came out much cooler 5580_8
© Wickerwoodworks / Etsy, © Anutteranceofshush / Reddit

"At the ETSY regiment cost almost $ 400. I spent about $ 55 for materials. 16 hours went to work."

"I think we did a pretty decent work"

20+ cases when people expected one thing, and in reality everything came out much cooler 5580_9
© saulbuster / reddit

"Pleasantly surprised fruit pie"

20+ cases when people expected one thing, and in reality everything came out much cooler 5580_10

"Asked a girlfriend to make her cake to the first birthday of my son"

20+ cases when people expected one thing, and in reality everything came out much cooler 5580_11
© ApplesModernart / Etsy, © VCAMM1 / Reddit

"Newbies are lucky"

20+ cases when people expected one thing, and in reality everything came out much cooler 5580_12

"This book gave me my wife. Now she is reaping the fruit. "

"I was pleasantly surprised"

20+ cases when people expected one thing, and in reality everything came out much cooler 5580_13
© Missplayed / Reddit

"Satisfied that I got my first oatmeal cookies with cream"

20+ cases when people expected one thing, and in reality everything came out much cooler 5580_14
© Cards07 / Reddit

"Perhaps this is one of the best cooking dishes in the microwave, which I have ever bought"

20+ cases when people expected one thing, and in reality everything came out much cooler 5580_15
© Guitar8907 / Reddit

"On the left - a photo of a cake with dinosaurs from the Internet, on the right - my attempt. The birthday name remained very pleased. "

20+ cases when people expected one thing, and in reality everything came out much cooler 5580_16
© Todo Imágenes / Facebook, © Nonsense2U / Reddit

"Cookbook against my modest attempt"

20+ cases when people expected one thing, and in reality everything came out much cooler 5580_17
© GoldglitterGardens / Reddit

"It is quite good for frozen pizza"

20+ cases when people expected one thing, and in reality everything came out much cooler 5580_18

"Very pleased with what I got"

20+ cases when people expected one thing, and in reality everything came out much cooler 5580_19
© cometdebris / Reddit

"I'm impressed. Bought this potato casserole in Sweden "

20+ cases when people expected one thing, and in reality everything came out much cooler 5580_20
© Peepanana / Reddit

Can be said cake

20+ cases when people expected one thing, and in reality everything came out much cooler 5580_21
© MattapoisettLibrary, © She_raccoon / Reddit

"My though not so golden-brown, but I'm still proud of my pumpkin buns"

20+ cases when people expected one thing, and in reality everything came out much cooler 5580_22
© laurencariscooks.com, © Legitdontknow / Reddit

Bonus: "I made exactly the same shelf for spices, like Homer Simpson"

20+ cases when people expected one thing, and in reality everything came out much cooler 5580_23
© The Simpsons / 20th Century Fox Television, © Gippy44 / Reddit

Remember the case when you are extremely lucky when buying or cooking something, and tell us about him in the comments.

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