What did three children taught me

What did three children taught me 5578_1

Fifteen years, seven years and two years - two daughters and one son

Do not plan anything

It's useless. If you do not find the only mittens in front of the output - then no walking. Or already in the car, the son will say that he is not going to go to this museum - then turn to another. Or today, your favorite pasta will not be - then they go hungry to dinner. Or, instead of plans, it is necessary to urgently go for rubber boots and Kakaya - then at the checkout I will scare from the basket of the Mignon-Pinzepeppi-transformers and hiding them at the cashier.

Or friends who gathered to visit, will call when we are already in the hallway in the boots, and they will say that their child fell ill and guests are canceled - then just a long friendly crying, turning into hysterics.

Prepare quickly and just

French meat?

- Maam, there onions.

Salad Olivier?

- Maam, there is no bow!

Paste with Beshamel sauce?

- Maam, remove everything from Macaron.

Stuffed peppers?

- Maam, take the pepper from meat.

Salad of tomatoes and cucumbers?

- Maam, caught all tomatoes. And why did you cut them?

Empty pasta. Whole tomato. Cutlet. Buckwheat with milk. Everyone is happy. Or not. Then just a long, friendly cry, turning into hysterics.


- Mom, already light, get up!

- Mom sleeps, play yourself or wait.

- Mom, I want to get up!

- Mom sleeps, puff milk or wait.

- Mom, Zoya still at home, does she not go to school?

- Zoe !!! Climb!!!! All, mom to sleep further.

- Mom, Olenka squeezed!

- Damn, still have to get up and change the diaper.

- Mommy, I was stuck!

- Mommy, me too!

Long friendly crying, going to hysterics.


- Mom, who is it?

- Girl.

- No, mom, who is it?

- This is a girl, well, here.

- Noahoes! Mom, who is it?

- Where? Mamaaaa! WHO IS IT? ... (Ommmm) ...

- Mommy, Olenka asks about a doll in the hands of this girl.

- Thank you dear. Olenka, it's a doll.

- Yes, mom, doll.

Mamin laughter, turning into hysterics.

See through the walls

- Nikolai! Let go of the kitten, he does not want to play with you in the kids!

- Mom, how do you know, I closed the door?

- Zoe! Put your gadgets and make, finally, bed!

- Well, how do you know that I did not refuel it?

- What, refuel?

- Not. How do you know everything?

- Olenka, get away from the door, my mother needs to be in the toilet.

- Mom piste? - No, just to the toilet, come out, please.

- AAA, Mom Kakak!

Mamino growl, turning into hysterics.

Stop stroke bedding

It is useful, but still useless. Or Olenka describes its sheets in a dream through both diapers, to the pillowcase itself. Or describes my sheets, when it comes early in the morning to jerk the morning dreams. Or take on the top bed to the older sister, will play in the doll and describes there. In any case, the bed is erased every day. If it is also stroking it, then there is no time to live, and hysterics and so have already become familiar.

Leave a cup in the sink

Not only a cup. Also a spoon, a plate, another plate, a saucepan. I have a biggest daughter! And on the distribution of responsibilities, wash dishes to her. If she does not "forget" about it, quickly retreasing sleep. Then the Babylonian Tower in the sink was still me.

But this is already the evening, everyone slept, and a cup of delicious tea-coffee-wine in the long-awaited silence turns the washing of dishes in almost a spa procedure. And if there are still aromatic candles to light!

Do not prepare for the arrival of guests

Wash the floors?

- Mom, I will help you! Mom, I tipped the bucket there. Mom, and kittens know how to swim? Mom, I want to swim!

Prepare salads?

- Mom, I will help you! Olenka, let's go to mom salad cook! Olenka, give a knife! Mom, Zoya took away the knife at the deer and I do not give me! Mom, Olenka broke a plate!

I don't even want to think about the order: the cycle of toys around the house is my eternal crying, going to hysterics.

Be friends only with your

"You don't know that vaccinations need to do strictly on schedule?"

- Are you still breastfeeding?

- Is it not time to teach a pot?

- But my all night slept for five months!

- But I am devoted to the motherhood all myself, this is the main female destination!

- What do you want, in the old age he remembered you all this?

- What are you still not able to read?

- I'll give you an address now, you will give Olenka there, these are just two and a half hours and four transplants, but for that only for the sake of children you can not go!

To the garden. All in the garden. And no discussion of hot topics, even with their own. Here I have the 80th level and without hysteria.


Kiss the bruised knee. Hold your palms on the forehead. Whisper spells on the ear. Brrrruk in the stomach. Call on the side of the road bunny. Show flying Baba Yagu. Drink all monsters from under the bed. But when I can find yourself sleep, I will go to the next level of skill.

Initially, the text was published on the site "Mamsila". We publish it with the resolution of the editorial office.

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