Brazilian evangelical sprinkle on Lenin Street

Brazilian evangelical sprinkle on Lenin Street 5554_1

A religious organization from Brazil is going to arrange a sermon in the center of Novosibirsk - in "Victory". At the same time, in the cinema itself, they do not know anything about it. And representatives of the Novosibirsk Diocese of the ROC are called the conveying evangelists by the totalitarian sect.

An unusual advertising in the Store on the Sofa, the three representatives of the religious organization "Church of the Holy Spirit" are invited to the Novosibirsk Cinema "Victory" to the Novosibirsk Cinema "Victory" to get free pets from Jerusalem and participation in a preaching conference.

The meeting announced someone Zhilsimar Tabord. He is a brazilian, but speaks Russian well. According to the tabord, in Russia he lives for almost 20 years and all this time preaches the ideology of the "Church of the Holy Spirit". The event, according to the Taborda, will be held in the Novosibirsk Cinema "Victory" on February 27 at 15.00 local time. Everyone who at this point is in this place will give free firs for free - butter, which is considered sacred in Christians around the world.

In addition, the Taborda invited Novosibirskrs to the conference hall "Victory" to listen to the sermon. True, only 100 people will be launched somed by coronavirus and only by appointment. Tabord called those who can visit the conference:

Brazilian evangelical sprinkle on Lenin Street 5554_2

"We will have for the first time in Novosibirsk, the ministry of healing and liberation ... We invite everyone who needs help who suffers. People who pass through difficulties and circumstances, but we are confident that they will come to this conference faith wonders, for liberation and healing. We are confident that coming to this ministry, they will get freedom. "

How exactly the listeners will heal and what exactly to liberate, the Tabord did not specify. His words picked up Pastor Ronaldo to the shaft, who said: "I am sure that God allowed you to (invitation. - Ed.) Heard, because he has a plan for you." Again, about what plan is it from words of pastors is not clear. After the speech of men, a girl appeared on the video, Russian, who told that she wanted to end with her, but came to the "Church of the Holy Spirit" and found the meaning of life.

The site of a religious organization says that the "Church of the Holy Spirit" was created in Rio de Janeiro in the 1970s on the basis of the former morgue. Her founder Edir Masdovo-Beserr was born in a Catholic family. Although Mastedo was made of secured seven, he began to work since 16 years old, selling lottery tickets. At the age of 18, he turned to the evangelist to the flow in Christianity.

In 1992, when his church found a huge number of followers, underwent criminal prosecution for fraud and illicit drug trafficking, but rather quickly charges were removed.

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Edir Masdovo. Photo: Ricardo Stuckert, Wikipedia.

Those who criticize the "Church of the Holy Spirit" accuse him of the 75-year-old creator in enrichment due to their faithful, is that he leads his church as a company, and his activity resembles a business. Masseo owns the second largest Brazilian television network, and according to Forbes, he is one of the richest people of Brazil. His condition in 2015 was estimated at $ 1.1 billion.

Preachers spend worship in the form of so-called conferences on which believers are placed on visual places in concert halls or stadiums, and preachers spend a speech from the scene. The biggest conference called the "day of the day of the difference", took place in 2010 in Sao Paulo. The site says that the teachings of the "Church of the Holy Spirit" relies on the Bible.

In addition, on the site in the news section, it is mentioned that the end of the world is nearing. The text of this news states that some researchers concluded that the overpopulation of the Earth and the bad ecology is about to lead to the death of humanity. True, there is not a single reference to a specific study and there are no mention of scientists themselves. But after the frightening message, quotes from the Bible and the appeal to save the soul reading the Bible. The authors of the news are offered to do it in the "Church of the Holy Spirit."

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Screenshot from site

The representative of the Novosibirsk Diocese of the ROC in a conversation with a correspondent of NDN. Info stated that the "Church of the Holy Spirit" could relate to the category of destructive totalitarian sects. The organization refers to the non-combustion charismatic movement.

"New religious movements of domestic religions belong to sects. There were several major international conferences on the theme of new religious movements. One of them took place in 2005 in Saratov. Specialists from Germany and Sweden, religious scientists, theologians, philosophers, psychologists took part in it. This conference was noted the danger of disseminating ideas of such organizations. Totalitarian sects use such techniques as control of the consciousness of adepts, deception when recruiting, the operation of ordinary followers, "said the chief of the information and consultation center on the sectarianism of the Novosibirsk Metropolis of Artemy Sylovers.

He added that the doctrine of non-combustion organizations has nothing to do with Christianity. It is possible that the activities of such societies may be interested in the police. But this is possible if the organization is included in the list of extremist and prohibited religious organizations of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. However, the "Church of the Holy Spirit" does not mean in it.

The editorial office of NDN. INFO appealed to the cinema "Victory" for a comment. An employee responsible for providing premises for rent and carrying out events, Ksenia Potopalov reported that nothing knows about the holding of a religious event. According to her, earlier in the cinema "Victory" of the premises were not provided with religious organizations.

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