In the case of the deputy of the Galyan, there is data about those who visited her page "Vkontakte". Social network explained how it is possible


The materials of the case confirm this, but the company insists that it does not collect similar. And it assumes that the SC himself amounted to Likes and comments.

In the case of the deputy of the Galyan, there is data about those who visited her page
Detention of Julia Galyanina in May 2020. Author: photo Pavel Golovkin, AP

On March 11, the Moscow City Court left a sentence to the municipal deputy of Julia Galyanovoy in the "Dadinskaya" article. Back in December 2020, she was recognized as guilty of a repeated violation of the rules of rallies and sentenced to two years of the conditional period.

During the appeal to the sentence in the Moscow City Court, the documents recently investigated. Among the materials, according to Galyanin, there was information from VKontakte with personal data of visitors to her personal page.

Lawyer Galyanina Maria Eismont confirmed The Insider words of the word. She said that the investigation requested from Vkontakte and received phones, email addresses and IP addresses "All users who are not that post wrote, but simply put a falch under the post."

Eismont back in December 2020 published materials of cases, among which there is a report of the head of the first office to investigate particularly important affairs M.E. Denisov bosses. He wrote that he received from "Vkontakte" phone numbers of users who viewed the publication of the Galyan "with calls to participation" in the action on July 15.

Deputy lawyer provided TJ previously not published screenshot from business materials. This request is a request to "VKontakte" with the requirement to provide personal user data to investigate the affairs of the Galyan.

In the case of the deputy of the Galyan, there is data about those who visited her page
From the case of the affairs of the Galyanin. Posted by: Maria Eismont for TJ

VKontakte first right on Twitter responded with Galyanovina, stating that it had no technical opportunity to collect and issue personal data on profile visitors.

Later in the comment TJ, the representative of VKontakte corrected a little formulation: "This situation is impossible. We do not collect and, accordingly, do not transfer data on page visitors. "

"VKontakte" refers to the information section on how the company works with user data and which authorities are responsible for. He appeared in October 2018, shortly after the scandal due to the initiations of criminal cases "for the reposites". From there it follows that social network really does not collect and does not transmit data on profile visitors: there is no such item in the list.

Eismont clarified TJ that investigators requested personal data not only at Vkontakte, but also from other companies. According to her, in the Galyanin case there are requests and answers "Odnoklassniki", MegaFon, Tele2 and VimpelCom (Beeline). TJ sent requests to their representatives.

For what convicted Julia Galyanin

  • Galyamin - Municipal deputy of the Timiryazevsky district of Moscow and civil activist. In 2019, she participated in peaceful shares in support of unregistered election candidates in the Moscow City Duma;
  • It was finished over the summer shares, and also arrested several times, and twice - for the same action;
  • In 2020, Galyamin became one of the campaign "no!" To collect signatures against the "zeroing" of the presidential time and the adoption of other amendments to the Constitution. She, among others, went to the picket on July 15, but did not even have time to get up with a poster: she was detained during an interview and fined 200 thousand rubles;
  • On July 31, 2020, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case against the Galyan in Article 212.1 of the Criminal Code. It is called "Dadinskaya" by the last name of the first activist of Ildar Dadin condemned on it;
  • According to the SC, Galyamin placed in social networks of appeals to participate in the "illegal mass event" on July 15 - participants collected signatures for the abolition of voting results by amendments. The criminal case on the "Dadinskaya" article was opened, since the deputy during the year was brought several times to administrative responsibility under Article 20.2 of the Codecha of the Russian Federation;
  • On December 23, 2020, the Tver Court of Moscow sentenced Galyan to two years conditionally. The sentence indicates that the deputy has been pursued "The goal of creating a real threat to the constitutionally protected rights and freedoms of a person, including the right to freedom to move";
  • Galyamin considers the case "politically motivated and unreasonable." In the last word, on March 11, she stated that the court decision was "not related to justice," and this criminal article was created as a "political pressure tool".

What does "VKontakte" say

TJ asked VKontakte representatives about the consequence of data related to the affairs of the Galyan. At the request of the social network, the edition leads her comment without abbreviations.

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