As a work of art: 5 Russian brands of clothing and accessories with art prints

As a work of art: 5 Russian brands of clothing and accessories with art prints 554_1
As a work of art: 5 Russian brands of clothing and accessories with art prints Anastasia Ageev

Approaching March 8, and as always the question arises - what to give, so that the thing is useful, beautiful and original? Excellent option - clothing and accessories with art prints. T-shirts, dresses and broochings do not happen much, especially if they are not ordinary, but with the image of paintings. Time Out talks about 5 Russian brands who have to search for gifts for all lovers of painting.

Art Flash.

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Art Flash - online store and magazine for lovers in art. Its founders are quite fair to believe that the paintings can and need to enjoy not only in museums, but also in everyday life, demonstrating them on clothing and accessories. For example, the "dance class" of Edgar Degha or the Ruenan Cathedral of Claude Monet can be viewed on a neoprene coat, the work of Henri Cross "Pines along the coast" and Pierre Owysta Cat "Spring" are depicted on bombers, and "Kiss" Francesco Hayes and "Kiparisa" "Vincent Van Gogh is captured on T-shirts. Pay attention to the special capsule collection of BODY with inspiring quotes dedicated to the beauty of the female body.


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Swoods - brand for those who are inspired by creativity and art, but at the same time appreciates practicality and comfort. The collections present Hoodies and sweatshoes - that is, those everyday things that are in every wardrobe, but, despite their convenience, are often boring. Swoods sets up the situation: in the assortment of Oversiz Hoodies with an embroidered fragment of the painting of Henri Matisse "Dance" or Mark Stegal "Above the City", Hoodie with Portreed of Sergey Dovlatova, Anna Akhmatova and Marina Tsvetaeva. Another bonus: Brand has its own production, therefore, each stage of clothing creation is controlled.

Natali Leskova.

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Prints that decorate the things of the St. Petersburg brand Natali Leskova, created by its founder, artist and designer Natalie Leskov. Most of all, they will enjoy those who permanently misses the Fontanka, Neva and St. Petersburg architecture. Now their atmosphere can be taken with them thanks to the skirt of the "Academy of Arts", a quilted insulated shirt "Demidov Mansion", whistling "At the Red Bridge" and a shirt with the ribbons "Naberezhny Washing". In general, the Leskova turns out very authentic things that, like souvenirs, remind you of the northern capital here and now.

Sinitsa Art.

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Sometimes a small item can attract admiring views and cause interest around faster than the whole outfit. Wooden blocks of Sinitsa Art depicting artwork focuses on the usual top or shirt: with their help it is easy to demonstrate their sympathy for famous artists. "Kiss" Gustav Klimt, "Portrait of an unknown, reading newspaper" Andre Derena, "Self-portrait" Pablo Picasso, "Starry Night" Vincent Van Gogh, "Sleep" Salvador Dali, "Abstraction" of Vasily Kandinsky - Choose a picture that everyone likes to admire each Day and she will become part of your image.

So to get acquainted with like-minded people will be much easier: enough to share the impression of the work of the painter.

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Broach name Bill Treyl

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"The broken name of Bill Treylor" began its activities from the manufacture of wooden tramples dedicated to art, but over time the collection was replenished with earrings, shops, decor objects, and in 2020 - masks. For example, you can order them with a print on a fragment of the work of Vasily Kandinsky "Cossacks", Egon Shile "Sitting Woman with Bend Knee", Edward Mink "Creek" or Vincent Van Gogh "Flowering Almond Blanks". It seems that this design will be able to finally reconcile with thoughts about the need for masks.

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