Why water in the seas and oceans glows at night?


Water off the coast of the seas and oceans at night sometimes begins to glow. In some cases, this phenomenon turns out to be so beautiful that the feeling arises that the coast has become a starry sky. People noticed this phenomenon very long ago and scientists already know its cause. The fact is that in the waters of the seas and oceans live a huge number of microbes and some own bioluminescence. So called the ability of living organisms to emit light. You can see the so-called sea glow in any corner of our planet - the main thing is that there were glowing organisms in the water. But in the future, our descendants may not see this beauty, because animals risk lose their amazing ability. Scientists conducted a study and found out, because of which it can happen and how the loss of bioluminescence will affect the lives of luminous creation.

Why water in the seas and oceans glows at night? 5532_1
The glow of the sea, which will be spent now, looks like

Glowing animals

The ability to glow various types of living organisms. Light occurs in special luminous organs. For example, fish-rude fish live at great depths that attract prey with the help of a "flashlight". Fish glow bodies are called photo products. In the insects light occurs in special cells as a result of chemical processes. And bacteria are glow due to the processes occurring in the cytoplasm - the semi-liquid cell content.

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Fishilla is also known as sea damn

As a rule, on the shore of the seas and oceans, the glow is created by Plankton. So called tiny living organisms and plants that live in water and move exclusively by the strength of the flow. In their case, the glow is the result of physicochemical processes. During the movement of Plankton, it seems about the water, because of what an electrical discharge occurs. It is he who forms a glow inside cells of organisms. If you throw a stone into luminous water, friction will increase and flash. As mentioned above, this unusual phenomenon can be observed anywhere in our planet. In Russia, this beauty can be seen from the coast of the Okhotsk and the Black Sea.

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Glow of the Black Sea

Researchers identify three types of glow of the seas and oceans. The first is called sparkling luminescence and arises due to organisms less than 5 millimeters. The second form is characterized by outbreaks - they arise as a result of the activity of a large plankton like small races more than 1 centimeter. The third option is called uniform luminescence, which occurs due to bacteria living in water. Uniform glow is the most dull and it is possible to notice it only in very dark conditions.

See also: How do fish sleep and why can urban lighting kill them?

Danger of global warming

But in the future, glowing today creatures can lose their amazing ability. Researchers from the US state of Hawaii noticed that due to the observing global warming in the waters of the seas and oceans, more and more carbon dioxide is dissolved. This leads to its acidification, which can greatly harm water inhabitants. Earlier it has already been proven that such water leads to the destruction of the scales of sharks and weakening the crab shells. It was also found out that due to global warming, some fish increase the genitals and they cannot multiply.

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Global warming will be a problem for all living organisms

As part of the scientific work, the researchers decided to find out how oxidized water affects 49 bioluminescent creatures. Among them were bacteria, arthropods and other animal species. In the laboratory, they all were placed in water, the properties of which correspond to forecasts for 2100. As a result, it turned out that in the new conditions some species of squid significantly reduced the brightness of the glow. But here is some of the crustacean creatures on the contrary, they became a little brighter. This means that global warming will affect even these creatures and in the future "glowing seas" may disappear.

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Even some plants possess bioluminescence

If animals lose the ability to glow, they can completely extort. The fact is that the glow is needed not to entertain people, but to attract individuals of the opposite sex. If the males stop interested in females and on the contrary, they will cease to multiply. In general, in the future, living creatures will have to be not easy. But they threaten another danger in the form of plastic garbage. Bottles and packaging on the bottom of the seas and oceans are not decomposed for 1000 years and literally poison animals. And humanity still did not invent how to solve this problem.

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If you want to learn more about the bioluminescence, I recommend to read this material. In it, the author Hi-News.ru Ilya Hel said in detail how and why living organisms found such an ability. Enjoy reading!

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