Apple will add normal extensions in Safari as in Chrome


Why do Mac users love chrome and forgive him all the flaws? After all, low energy efficiency associated with high consumption of processor and memory resources - in principle, sufficient reasons to abandon the browser, especially if there is a replacement in the form of Safari. Someone chooses Chrome due to using one passwords not only on the computer, but also on the Android-smartphone, but for most basic value is expansion. It is strange that Apple refused to make them in Safari, but still thought up.

Apple will add normal extensions in Safari as in Chrome 5529_1
Safari will receive support for full extensions as in Chrome

How to change in Safari make other browsers better

In Bethe MacOS 11.3 Big Sur, which came out yesterday together with test versions of the remaining Apple operating systems, appeared support for Safari extensions. Despite the fact that the company's corporate browser has previously supported the so-called additions that have added new functions to him, in fact they were not extensions in the literal sense of the word. The fact is that additions were installed as separate applications that remained on Launchpad, but at the same time were limited in terms of possibilities.

Extensions for Safari.

Apple will add normal extensions in Safari as in Chrome 5529_2
Safari in MacOS 11.3 can be customized with extensions

Most likely, extensions for Safari, which were brought to MacOS 11.3, should be implemented by the same principle as in Chrome. With their help, it will be possible not only to expand the functionality of the browser, but also change the design of its interface. In essence, Apple plans to give users the opportunity to customize Safari with the help of the selection. True, to create a separate extension store under this case, most likely will not - Mac App Store will cost. But the built-in extension tool for Safari clearly would not interfere.

Apple added support for Face ID and Touch ID on sites in Safari

Apple has not yet become somehow especially commenting by the appearance of a new function, stating that the developers will now have the opportunity to create specialized extensions for Safari. However, there is nothing to be surprised here. As such a platform for extensions work appeared in Safari, at the end of last year, when Apple only released the update, but did not hurry to use it in Cupertino. Only now in the company understood that it was time and decided to launch expansion for the general public.

Why do you need expansion for Safari

Apple will add normal extensions in Safari as in Chrome 5529_3
Chrome extensions make it better, there is no such thing on Safari

In fact, the appearance of real extensions in Safari may seriously undermine Google Chrome positions. After all, if Apple does not limit developers, they can start creating very useful extensions for Safari, which will allow him to bypass the search giant browser. Of course, it will not be so simple, considering how many extensions are available in the Chrome Web Store and how much of them depends on Google Chrome. Here are just some extensions that are in Chrome and which in Safari really lacks:

  • Extension to quickly download files into the cloud;
  • Extension to create a link to the text fragment;
  • Extension for pre-loading links;
  • Expansion for changing User Agent (Why do you need, read this link);
  • Extension for end-to-end cloud and mail encryption;
  • Extension to use cachek services;
  • Extension to track discounts on Aliexpress.

Did you get a cookie in Safari? That's how easy it is easy to block them.

And this is only the top of the iceberg from those extensions that could actually come in handy to Safari users and which are really available to Chrome users. Therefore, the fact that Apple finally approved the creation of extensions for the brand browser can already be considered a serious upgrade. True, it is not very clear why this moment was waiting for this moment in Cupertino. Perhaps shouted expansion as a trump card when competing with Chrome will be completely unbearable.

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