Marat Lotfullyn: "A person who does not own his native language is not considered an educated person" - Video


Marat Lotfullyn:

In a new project on TV channel TNV, an interview with outstanding Tatar scientists and experts will be published on weekdays.

Candidate of Physical and Mathematics, Associate Professor Marat Vazichovich Marat Vazichovich became a fortieth hero of a special project.

In an interview with the correspondent, TNV, Lotfullin spoke about the rope and refining of peoples in the knowledge of several languages, on national education at the beginning of the 20th century, as well as on tatar-language specialists.

"There is an education in the Tatar language, but in Russian - they do not differ in content"

- You stood at the origins of national education in the 90s. What advances and successes do you see today?

- Yes, I was one of the people who were engaged in national education. Then a huge group of teachers worked, this collective work and one person will never be able to do such a job. The fact is that we use the phrase native language, it is used in the census, and the people use it, but he has a different meaning of understanding in the world and in Russia. For example, in Russia in the interpretation of Tishkov, this is a language that the person owns. The world is considered a native language - the language of their people.

- Do you have a difference?

- Big difference! A person may not own a native language and this is a sign of assimilation. For example, according to the 2010 census, Tatars 5 million of them 1 million do not speak the language. This means that the Tatar by 2010 is 25% assimilation. I think, on the result of the census of this year, this indicator will increase. Therefore, the native language is the language of your people. For the Tatars, the Russian native language is not, even if they do not own Tatar.

- i.e. Identity and language are connected?

- Very connected! Over time, not a language proficiency will still lead to the fact that a person will lose the culture of his people.

- After how many generations?

- About 2 generations. I would like to dwell on the issue of national education, which implies that there is some kind of neutral education. But, any education is national. Therefore, the term national education is a custody, which is applied only in our country. There is education in the Tatar language, but in Russian - they do not differ in content! Same universal values ​​and knowledge.

- The role of national education and language proficiency is also interrelated concepts?

- Yes, of course, directly! Because the language is not inherited. Each person is born without language.

- But we say that there are still factors of the environment, family or only a school?

- School - prevailing factor! Family only when a person sleeps. After all, all life takes place in kindergarten, at work, at school.

- But many people say that the Tatar language needs to be kept in the family ...

"If it were so, then the Kazan Tatars would not blick their children too." After all, when they arrived from the village of their native language was Tatar, they communicated on it, but their children had already communicated in Russian.

"Tatars entered Russia with their lands, they did not fall from the moon!"

- How did you achieve education in your native (Tatar) language in the 90s? What did we get now?

- The 90s is the years of the Renaissance, recovery. If you look at the story, then the Tatars have always possessed a very good education system. Before joining Russia and after joining Russia, this system has been preserved. Of course, somewhere 200 years it was underground, but since 1700 it was already officially allowed to open mosques and with them the madrasa and all the Tatars received education.

In 1870, a program to form the formation of foreigners was adopted in Russia, it was adopted by Tolstoy. It has a separate, large section for the Tatars. And after the revolution, the creation at the state level of education in the Tatar language. The Great October Revolution was nationally liberation in their essence. Some peoples were generally released, for example, Finns, the Pole created a separate state. Tatars on historical fate remained as part of Russia, but for them there were all the conditions for the development of education.

- Did it last long?

- Until 1934. Before that, Tatars did not have public education, it existed at the expense of the people. Education was only in Russian and free, and Tatars were trained at their own expense. Moreover, in the madrasa, it was forbidden to study mathematics, chemistry, biology. Madrasa "Izh-Bubi" is famous for the fact that there began to teach items in the Tatar language and for this they were put in prison for 10 years.

In 1920, the Republic of Tatarstan was created, but already in the 18th year, the first of the decree was the introduction of free, mandatory, primary education in the Tatar language. There was a record of all children of school age, at all levels, up to the university. I watched the archives in Moscow, the data is stored there for each school in all regions of Russia.

- How did it all happen?

- Teachers were printed, prepared teachers in Omsk, Tomsk, Ufa, Orenburg. Worked pedechils, firstplace students. In the publishing house "Enlightenment" published books, only a branch worked in Kazan. These textbooks extended throughout Russia. In the Ministry of Education was the Department of National Education, which all controlled. There is no diaspora Tatars in Russia, because Russia is the birthplace of Tatars. Tatars living in the USA - Diaspora. Tatars entered Russia with their lands, they did not fall from the moon!

In 1934, he was allowed a free choice of learning language that we brag. But this is not progress for all the basics of pedagogical science, because all the great teachers of Kamensky, Disterweg, Ushinsky said that education should be in their native language. Disterweg said: "Teachers should own not only the language of teaching, they must be representatives of this people, carriers of culture."

Later, schools with Tatar began to close, the training of teachers stopped. But a special Natisk began in 1937, already introduced an obligatory exam in the Russian language, and in their native language were canceled, writing was transferred to Cyrillic. During the Great Patriotic War, all pedagogical universities in other regions closed in mind the lack of money and newspapers too. And naturally, schools without training are closed.

In Tatarstan, for 4 years of teachers in Tatar, they are not prepared.

- Do you mean whom?

- mathematics, chemists, biologists.

- i.e. Are these those who should teach in the language?

- Yes! Because I am called this ax, and to make a product - you need a master. In Tatarstan there was another policy, a more in-depth - Tatar language was declared state, and a program for the introduction of the Tatar language to life was adopted. Now we have the Tatar language is not applied in life. But in Tatar language, you can implement higher education, production. Tatar language is included in the number of European languages ​​with the help of Finns. For example, I made a presentation at one of the conferences in Moscow about the experience of schools with the Tatar language of training, I said that all subjects are taught in Tatar. From the hall asked the question: "How? Do you teach mathematics in the Tatar language? And where do you take the terms? ", And I say there where are you, is it math, sinus and cosine is invisible Russian words?! Of course not! I was able to convince them.

- Why then parents are afraid to give their children to national gymnasiums?

- Because there is a propaganda! Tatars do not know their scientists. Tatars are associated with whom? With dancers, singers, in extreme cases by journalists and writers. And we have a lot of scientists famous not only in Tatarstan, but also all over the world! For example, Rashid Syunayev, he is very worried that there is no Tatar language in Kazan University, and dreams of it, talking about it at every congress.

- But we have the Institute of Tatar, translationing ...

- You are mistaken, in the Tatar language. On Mehmate, Fizmate, there is no biofaq, but there are specialists in these areas!

- This is probably the last generation?

- Not! In the 90s, in vain did not sit, we released a lot of students who own Tatar language.

- Maybe it is worth building a National University?

- University implies to be polylingval, including Tatar. The lack of all of our Russian universities - there is no strong English. For example, I learned English in graduate school, because a scientist should be in the forefront of science should own English. Science universal! We live in Russia and should know Russian, but also to know the native language, it does not hurt, but will enrich every person. Now in the world, the trend of multilingualism and companies encourages the ownership of even the dominant people with minority languages. This society is splitting, ennobles and expands knowledge.

- Polylingval education is global practice?

- Yes! And the native language is the main educational competence. Those. A person who does not speak his native language is not considered an educated person.

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