The traffic police asks for a car to public transport. Ready?

The traffic police asks for a car to public transport. Ready? 5469_1
The traffic police asks for a car to public transport. Ready? 5469_2
The traffic police asks for a car to public transport. Ready? 5469_3
The traffic police asks for a car to public transport. Ready? 5469_4
The traffic police asks for a car to public transport. Ready? 5469_5
The traffic police asks for a car to public transport. Ready? 5469_6
The traffic police asks for a car to public transport. Ready? 5469_7
The traffic police asks for a car to public transport. Ready? 5469_8
The traffic police asks for a car to public transport. Ready? 5469_9

As of 9:15, 8-point traffic jams are noted in Minsk, such information provides Yandex.Maps service. The movement is complicated in the central part of the capital, as well as on the first and second ring.


Corks - 8 points. Movement along the streets of Bogdanovich and Nemigi, at the site of independence prospectus in the area of ​​the metro station "Lenin Square" and "Oktyabrskaya", on Oryolskaya from the Novovina region to the winners. In addition, local congestion occurs in the Moscow Ring Road.

Recommendations of the traffic police

The metropolitan traffic police in the morning turned to car owners with a request to abandon personal transport and take advantage of public.

- Pay attention, because of difficult weather conditions today in the city of road and utilities will increase the number of snow removal equipment, which will carry out continuous cleaning of the carriageway and move without stopping. Accordingly, the adjacent streets are possible delays in the movement of transport, - warned in traffic police.

Under the conditions of snowfall, drivers recommend choosing a safe speed of movement, be particularly attentive at bridges, overpasses, as well as on roundings, descents and lifts. Do not need to maneuver or brake. Pedestrians should also be especially attentive on the road and designate themselves with retroreflective elements.

In the traffic police, they also assured that they are always ready to help road participants who fell into a difficult situation.

Ready to give up the car at least for the day? To make your choice


Yes, I did somehow one another time, it's not for me there is no car - I'm well done? I'm a taxi driver - there are questions?


6 points in Minsk. The situation is returned to normal if the norm is considered to consider snowblowing techniques and a drift here, then there. Winter.

Public transport

Minsktrans today made a message that, due to difficult weather conditions, public transport is carried out with a violation of the schedule.

Influence, by the way, not only weather conditions, but also a road situation: an accident, overlap - all this affects the work of ground transport.

Here, for example, from 7:30 canceled the stopping on the "Oktyabrskaya metro station" on Independence Avenue in the direction of Lenin Street for bus route №100. But this is not because of the weather.

At least in four cases, in the morning, the work of several public transport routes was disturbed due to an accident.

So, from 6:32 on Sukharevskaya Street, 26 in the direction of DS "Sukharevo" due to an accident of third-party transport there was a stop of the movement of trolley buses on routes No. 38, 57. The movement was organized along the streets of Shedragovich, Lobanka. At 7:09 resumed movement.

From 8:32 on the streets of Lermontov, Roses Luxembourg in the direction of DS Lermontov due to an accident of third-party traffic, the movement of trolley buses on route number 12 has occurred. Movement is still organized before Zhukov Avenue.

From 9:15 on DS "Serebryanka" - Malinina Street In both directions, there was a stop of the movement of trolley buses on routes №19, 20, 24 and buses on routes №82С, 151. The movement is organized along Yakubov Street.

From 9:21 on Strong newspaper Avenue in the direction of Golubevsky Street due to an accident of third-party traffic, the movement of trolley buses on routes №32, 53 and buses on the route №116 has occurred. The movement is organized: №32 - According to the Avenue of the Pravda newspaper, No. 53 - on the streets of Rafieva, Alibegova, No. 116 - on the prospectuses of Lyubimov and the newspaper "True".

To all other things, from 5:34 on Ponomarenko Street (stopping point Kiriyenko) in both directions due to damage to the contact network there was a stop of trolley buses on routes No. 7, 8, 9, 57. The movement was organized through the streets of Ponomarenko, Belsky , Prittsky. At 5:52 am the contact network was repaired.

In the area there is still a plan "Weather"

Outside of Minsk, the situation, by the way, is not easier. The regional traffic police reported that due to the complication of weather conditions on the territory, the weather plan continues on the territory. This means that road techniques on the cleaning of snow and processing the carriageway with a sandy-salt mixture are maintained on the roads with inspectors.

The traffic police asks the drivers to inform the relevant services on the state of roads in short number 125 and reminds that in difficult weather and road conditions, drivers must be extremely attentive and careful driving.


According to Belgidromet, today in Belarus cloudy. In many areas, snow, blizzard places. In the east of the republic, sometimes heavy snow, snowstorm, snow drifts on the roads. In some sections of the roads of the Hollyeda. The wind is north, northeast to most of the territory is a strong impulse. Air temperature Maximum day -10 ...- 15 degrees Celsius.

In Minsk also cloudy. At times snow, places around the city of the blizzard. In some sections of the roads of the Hollyeda. The wind is the northern trusty. Air temperature during day -11 ...- 13, in the evening -12 ...- 14 degrees.

Tomorrow, February 13, cloudy weather is also expected, in the afternoon with clarification. For most areas, snow is possible; At night and in the morning in the south-east of the republic there will be heavy snow, snow drifts will be on the roads. The wind is northern impressive, in many areas a strong impetuous. Air temperature at night -13 ...- 18, day -7 ...- 14, south-west -3 ...- 6 degrees.

Surprises on the Moscow Ring Road

In such weather, what they just do not meet on the road. For example, snow-ice blocks in the strip on the ring. The video correspondent Onliner sent our reader.

Speed ​​at the Moscow Ring Road at 90 km / h, and it (lump) lies. And you will not stop, do not shift. And the hitting on such an obstacle can be fraught with very serious consequences, especially if there is more ice than snow.

You need to be extremely attentive and careful how to repeat the traffic police, avoid harsh maneuvers, so that he himself does not suffer on a snow-covered road and not to run into the one who has already suffered. Photo with a ring in Chat Bot Onliner sent our reader.

Well, consider that the atmosphere is nervous, the atmosphere on the road is heating. You may seem that you just rebuilt, and someone had to dramatically slow down in the snow, which is fraught.

GAI on restrictions

The traffic police reports: "Taking into account the difficult weather conditions, as well as the events declared earlier, a temporary limitation of motion is periodically introduced in the central part of the city. It is also worth considering, in the conditions of snowfall on the trunk streets, the vehicle flow rate has decreased, the drivers act correctly, observing all security measures. A small number of small accidents is recorded. However, sharp and critical changes in the road atmosphere are not observed. Employees of the traffic police monitor the road situation in continuous mode and immediately dispose of congestion and emergency situations. Militiamen are aimed at assisting all road users. "


In the telegram channel "Minsk. Officially, "the official channel of the Minsk City Executive Committee, there was information about how many snow removal equipment now removes the capital.

"At these moments, the snow purifies 565 units of special equipment, 490 units worked in the night shift. Snow removal are occupied 172 dump trucks. Since the beginning of winter, 312 thousand cubic meters taken from the streets of Minsk. m snow, "informs the telegram channel.

It is also reported that even reserve special equipment is displayed on the streets of the capital. Clean the snow and process roads with antifungal reagents continuously. The export of snowdrifts from urban streets continues.

"Today, work complicates the blizzard and low air temperature, due to which winter precipitation is not melted even under the influence of anti-icers," the report says.

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