How many chickens need to be started for egg wealth

How many chickens need to be started for egg wealth 544_1

Planning is a great start of any case that will help to avoid many disappointments and errors.

And here is the first of them: think that every chicken will give you one egg for breakfast every day for a year. Do not rely on chicken decency, a lot of factors enter the game. And even the best and most responsible representative of non-success will not be able to produce 365 eggs per year. In addition, besides the scrambled eggs you want to bake something, therefore, one egg and one chicken can not do.

Determine exactly the necessary number of eggs

One of the first things to be taken into account when choosing the size of the livestock, how many people in the family. For two people to start twenty chickens, if you do not plan to sell eggs, clearly too much.

If in the family more than two people, then, for sure, everyone has their own food habits. Perhaps the daily omelet will cause allergies. First specify the details and pay attention how many eggs you buy every week. If you get about 20-25 eggs, six chickens are enough with an excess, since we are laying on approximately 10 eggs on each of the non-savings per week, so that there is also remained for baking.

Do not hold less than three chickens at the same time, because they relate to social animals.

Chickens on the choice

Not all breed chickens are created equal, and it should be remembered.

On average, the chicken is laying four or five eggs per week, but some eggs give a "harvest" much higher than average. These include white leggores and Russian white (about 200 eggs per year), Adler (these chickens there are no instinct of the zeal and do not have to fight for eggs), economical and early Loman Brown.

For lovers of exotic and you can advise such rocks like fluffy lesibar bunches and palace araucans, carrying blue and bluish-green eggs.

The decorative breeds of chickens carry about two or three eggs per week, but they are very beautiful, for example, a Chinese silk chicken, paduani, shabo or soavers.

Free place

The quarrels need a safe house with an area of ​​at least 1.2 square meters on a bird inside.

If you do not want chickens to walk freely throughout and the garden, you will have to build a pen, in which at least 3 square meters should be planned. meters.

Alternative option - chicken tractor or portable pen. Here the birds will be safe, studying a new space and rather cleaning it from weeds and pests. More information about this method is told by reference.

When the plot of land is small, then considerations of size and available free space will become the main restrictive moment.

Order chickens

So, you are determined with the optimal number of birds. However, ordering chickens, add some more goals just in case.

For example, when ordering from the incubatory during delivery, one or two weakened chicken may not live to the final destination. The risk of death during the cultivation of small chickens with fragile health, especially if you are just starting your way in home poultry farming.

Finally, the question of floors. The chicks sold from the incubatory should not necessarily be females. According to statistics, you can get about half of the roosters. That is, with a direct order (which is much cheaper than buying non-masters), for 10 chickens you need 20 chickens. Accordingly, half of the livestock will then fall into the soup when the cocks will grow. Thus, you will have a nurses population plus homemade meat.

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