Who could open America to Columbus?

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Who could open America to Columbus? Photo: Depositphotos.

According to different versions, Columbus was not the first and not even the second one who went to the new light. Before him, dozens of navigators from different countries and epochs could do it. And this is not counting the Viking, which, according to the common and not always faithful ideas, almost to the moon fell.

But in America, Vikings were still. Not so long ago, in 1960, a settlement of bearded amansor and axes found in Canada. The settlement is based on about a century, almost 500 years before the arrival of Christopher Columbus. By origin, those Vikings are closest to the Norwegians.

3000 years ago, Polynesia tribes floated on the oceans on the rafts known to us as catamarans. Translated the word "catamaran", in fact, and means "related brica". If you delay the map of their navigation, then the territory is superior to Russia in modern boundaries.

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Historic photo. Fiji residents with their plaques - catamarans photo: ru.wikipedia.org

There are no accurate evidence of the presence of Polynesians in North or South America, but there are some interesting facts.

  • In Polynesian genes there is DNA of the Indians of South America.
  • Polynesian's sweet American potatoes knew and grown hundreds of years before Columbus. Where did they get it from?
  • In 2007, chicken bones dating from 1321-1407 were found on the territory of Chile. Similar chickens could carry Polynesian on their rafts during long journeys.

In Ecuador in the 60s of the last century, archaeologists have discovered a settlement of 5000 years. He was called Valdivia.

A great interest was caused by the clay dishes, which during the excavations found a lot. It turned out that this is a zemon ceramics - dishes from Japan. This is the oldest Japanese ceramics. It was manufactured for 13 thousand years to 300 to our era. But how could such a dishes get to Ecuador?

Scientists suggested that several fishing ships took the course of Kurosio in the sea, or the Japanese flow. It does it now. As a result, ships drifted for several months.

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Katsusik Hokusai, "Big Wave in Canhanwa", 1832 Photo: artchive.ru
  • In part, this version is confirmed by two documented cases: in 1815, the garbage from the Japanese vessel was carried out to the coast of California, and in 1843, a fishing schooner with two Japanese fishermen was brought to the Mexican coast. They were very exhausted, but survived.

Alas, but already ten years after the opening of Valdivia, it turned out that ceramics in Ecuador was not so similar to Japanese. Archaeologist Betty Meggers, who put forward a version of the Japanese opening of America, was seriously criticized by colleagues for such a bold statement.

Very legendary need to consider the version of the opening of America by Irish. The Holy Brendan Marithelier loved to spread Christianity. And so, according to legend, he collected the team and went swimming in Karrah, a traditional Irish boat with a wooden frame, covered bullish skin.

What I only saw the Irish during the journey! We visited Rai, as Brendan called the Earth far beyond the horizon in the West. Seen hell, where "Demons dumped fiery stones from the island with gold rivers." Scientists believe that it can be about Iceland during a volcanic eruption. However, whether Brendan was in America, it is incomprehensible. Another thing is that in 1976 the historian Tim Severin (Tim Severin) took the real Irish Curars and grant to the new light along the so-called "Viking trail".

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Replica of the first millennium of our era on the river Great Uz in Bedford Photo: Simon Speed, Ru.Wikipedia.org

Among other probable openers of America there are Venetians Nikolo and Antonio Xeno. It is believed that they landed at the end of the XIV century on the territory of Canada together with the Count Orcanese. Now there is even a monument in honor of this, but serious historians are doubted the accuracy of the event in the place of the alleged landing. Venetsians are great inventors, and Nikolo's records and Antonio suddenly "surfaced" only in 1558, 66 years after the opening of America Columbus.

In China, there is a map of 1763, which is considered a copy from the original 1418. The map shows detailed outlines of North and South America. At the beginning of the 15th century, the Middle Kingdom had a powerful fleet, but after all the card was eventually recognized by fake.

America's discovers among Europeans can be basks. In 1530, just 38 years after Columbus, this people already caught a cod on the river of St. Lawrence - a large water artery connecting great lakes with the Atlantic Ocean. The river flows through the territory of the United States and Canada.

In addition to the cod, the basks hunted and the prey is more important - whatened fishing in the Republic of Newfoundland. It was on this island that Viking settlement found. So the basks could swim there. However, it is still unknown, they were there before Columbus or turned out to be at about the same time.

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Oswald Bryerli, "Kitobi" photo: artchive.ru

Versions about contacts with America to Columbus still many, but only the wiking navigation is considered fully confirmed, in particular Eric Red and Leif Ericsson. The Polynesian hypothesis is recognized as credible. The rest of the versions should be considered inventions and legends.

Author - Oleg Ivanov

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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