"Riddick": Furyan wants home


Wine Diesel repeats fatal (and tired) number

The intergalactic killer Richard B. Riddick (Win Diesel) comes to his sand planet, remotely resembling Tatinen from "Star Wars". In the recent past, a brithead criminal is the Lord of the army of necromongers who worship the death itself. In his biography there are another unique feature: Riddick is the last son of the Fury Planet. Now he is trying to survive where the fragile people are mruh, like flies, and waits for a spacecraft with head hunters. Upon arrival of two stars, the pursuer and the victim, in the best traditions of the series, change places, but the real threat only looms on the horizon.

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In the third film about the famous killer, a solid amount is promised for whose head, David Tui, finally, asks his hero a global goal - to find a native planet. However, it decides that while this plot is not worth developing, "Riddick" unexpectedly breaks the history of necromongers on the half-clock and nominally returns to the events of the Black Hole. Strictly speaking, the new picture is too similar to the first film series: a dangerous planet, an impending threat, a group of broken people and Riddicks try to survive. The Tui is not shy to exploit the already used finds, carelessly asking for the place of faith in the life of a person and the animal entity of the "Crown of Nature". In the "black hole" the danger proceeded from flying monsters, crawled from the caves during a solar eclipse, in Riddica, an external threat - water creatures, impending together with the season of pouring rains. But if the very first picture demonstrated blood relations with the "strangers" Ridley Scott and the first paintings by Luke Briefless, when he still experimented and heard the leader of the French "newest wave", then Riddick is a glossy Hollywood project with ingratia-free commentary and motivation at the level not The best comic book.

Born at the end of the nineties, Riddick performed by the wine of the diesel engine looked a logical attempt to launch a new franchise in the Sai Fi genre. However, for fourteen years, Tui failed to create a full-fledged universe, and the only goat remained the protagonist, whom, however, at the end of the first picture were planned to kill in order to turn the Sikvel "Black Hole" in the already frank shadow of "Alien". Perhaps it would be not the worst option, since now the gloomy world of Riddick does not even claim to be inventive epigence.

If you consider all the trilogies from the position of "Vulgar AUTEURISM", the vulgar-copyright topics of David Tui are visible as on the palm: "races and religions dismiss people," in this disgusting world it is difficult not to believe in God, but after all it is impossible to love him, the power of man urged And all the most terrible creatures will not compare with the inner demons. Repeating the triaisms on the third time, Riddick looks secondary even compared to other films about the intergalactic criminal with principles. In addition, for the development of a global plot, which with a stretch united the "black hole" and "Chronicles of Riddick", a new picture - in the literal sense of the word optional. She does not report any new facts about the character, only briefly retends the key events of the first two tapes. It is rumored that this is a restart. However, the second start at Riddick, as it should be expected, is already much weaker than the first.

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