5 simple but effective "grandmother" councils for home-made flowers


    Good afternoon, my reader. Each flower-like-amateur would like the bedroom plants in his house well grew and abundantly bloomed, looked as decorative as possible. Babushkina will help to achieve such results.

    5 simple but effective
    5 simple but effective "grandmother" councils for home-made flowers Maria Verbilkova

    In order for the home plants to be strong and healthy, they must be expensive. Experienced flowers advise this procedure in the cold season of the year exclusively in the morning hours. In the spring and summer months, watering room colors is preferable to spend in the evenings, after the sun goes.

    Illiterate moisturizing of soil in pots is one of the main causes of the incidence of decorative crops growing at home. Because of the wrong irrigation, the plants are poorly growing and disappeared.

    The amount of soil used to moisturize in the pot of water varies depending on the season. In the warm season, the flowers should be watered abundantly. With the arrival of autumn, watering is reduced, and in the winter months it is minimized. At this time, most pot cultures dwells at rest, their growth is suspended, the formation of buds does not occur. It is desirable that in winter the soil in the pot of sink between watering. Otherwise, there is a risk of reloading plant roots.

    Spraying potted inhabitants experienced flower products are recommended to spend in the morning or evening.

    The procedure should be carried out by observing such nuances:

    • For spraying, a container is applicable equipped with a sprinkler with a sprinkler;
    • hot water is poured into it (in the process of spraying on the foliage there will be a little warm moisture droplets);
    • On the eve of the procedure, it is required to inspect the crown and remove the dead leaves with the swarming buton.
    5 simple but effective
    5 simple but effective "grandmother" councils for home-made flowers Maria Verbilkova

    Experienced floweries advise newcomers in caring for potted plants not to neglect such an affordable and effective means as camphor alcohol. A medicine should enrich water for spraying (2-3 drops per 1 liter).

    This simple reception will make it possible to give home colors a more decorative look. Their foliage and buds thanks to the pharmacy preparation will acquire a striking and rich color.

    Another "Babushkina" recommendation is connected with the transfer of room colors. The implementation of this procedure is not equally for flowering and evergreen crops. In the first case, it will be necessary to thoroughly compact the soil in the pot, in the second - the land should be left loose.

    Choosing a pot of experienced floweries are advised to implement, based on the size of the root plant of the plant.,

    5 simple but effective
    5 simple but effective "grandmother" councils for home-made flowers Maria Verbilkova

    The new container is first filled with clay, forming a drainage layer (3-5 cm thick) from it, and then a suitable substrate is poured into it. Soil can be made with your own hands:

    • It will be necessary to connect peat with turf and sand - for blooming culture;
    • It is necessary to add to the purchase of soil in a small amount perlite or vermiculite - for evergreen plants.

    Also experienced flowers are recommended to enrich the substrate wood ash. This technique will reduce the risk of incidence of a potted inhabitant, will provide it with additional power.

    Pereparing indoor flowers preferably transshipment. This technique will avoid injury to the roots of the plant.

    Without making feeding, according to the experienced flower flowers, it is difficult to maintain the health of the home plant at the proper level.

    To prevent the pot inhabitant, you can use such folk remedies:

    • water after soaking meat - feeding for blooming crops;
    • milk (100 ml of the product is dissolved in 1 liters of water) - for cacti;
    • tea brewing and coffee grounds - used as a bustle of the soil when transplanting domestic flowers;
    • sweetened with water (1 tbsp. l. sugar sand on 1 cup of water) - feeding for plants suffering from lack of light in the cold course of the year.

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