In the PRC, revealed the strongest aviation trump card of the Russian Federation


An overview of this material of the Chinese press represents the publication "Military case".

The Chinese edition of Sohu continues to publish materials that are devoted to Russian military equipment. This time, Chinese authors again drew attention to the strategic supersonic tu-160 rocket maker. An overview of this material of the Chinese press represents the publication "Military case". Although the Tu-160 strategic bomber is a product of the Soviet era, he still continues to serve in the Air Force of modern Russia.

In the PRC, revealed the strongest aviation trump card of the Russian Federation 5393_1

As the edition of its readers tells, the Tu-160 bomber is in service with no one dozen years, but Russia is not ready to write off, but on the contrary, it is forced to modernize and even resume the production of new machines. The author of the material in Sohu reminds that in 2017, President of the Russian Joint Aviation Production Group Yuri Slyusar said that the mass production of the new Tu-160 m2 will begin in 2022, and the annual production volume will be 30-50 units.

"Although the Tu-160 bomber does not have low-cost technologies, he still can cause the US and their allies a feeling of resentment, not to mention the fear,"

In the PRC, revealed the strongest aviation trump card of the Russian Federation 5393_2

According to Chinese journalists, the upgraded bomber will receive a digital multi-purpose electronic control system, a navigation complex operating with the GLONASS system, as well as upgraded and more economical power plants of the NK-32. In addition, the upgraded bomber will acquire even lower reflectivity, which will have a positive effect on its minority.

In the PRC, revealed the strongest aviation trump card of the Russian Federation 5393_3

The Tu-160 bomber is equipped with fuel tanks that enlite 148 tons of kerosene, which provides a maximum range of 15,000 kilometers and a combat radius of 7300 kilometers. For example, in October 2020, two bombers of the Tu-160 CCS of the Russian Federation arrived at the Waterclof Air Force Base in South Africa after 13 hours of flight. The flight range was 11 thousand kilometers.

In the PRC, revealed the strongest aviation trump card of the Russian Federation 5393_4

In addition, the upgraded Tu-160 carries on board the winged rockets. For example, when using the X-55 rocket, the theoretical combat radius can be increased to nine and a half thousand kilometers, and with a rocket X-101/102 to increase to 12 thousand. The plane gets the opportunity to attack the objects of the enemy, not even approaching the zones of its air defense and pro. Tu-160 The largest bomber in the world. It is larger than B-1B Lancer, B-2a Ghost and B-52H Stratofortress. In statistical figures, this is reflected in this way: the Tu-160 is almost 35% more and flies 45% further than the American B-1B.

In the PRC, revealed the strongest aviation trump card of the Russian Federation 5393_5

Tu-160 is not only a huge fuselage, but also a bomb load of more than 40 tons. It can carry various types of aviation bombs and winged rockets. The main weapons of this bomber are the winged rockets of X-55 and X-102. In the bomb of the aircraft, 12 pieces are placed. Another advantage of the Russian aircraft, Chinese authors called speed. The Tu-160 is able to go to the supersonic mode and overcome the electronic air defense zones with a length of 2000 kilometers at 2 Mach. SOHU journalists emphasize that this indicator of a heavy bombarder exceeds even the speed characteristics of many modern fighters. For example, American F-35 can develop a track speed of 1.6 Mach, which is not enough to catch up with a Russian bomber running on supersonic.

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"To this day, there are few competitors on the Boezais, range and flight speed. Despite their age, these cars still remain first-class. "

The technical level that the Soviet Union has once achieved, really worthy of admiration.

Earlier it was reported that in Norway first placed bomber B-1B Lancer US Air Force at the boundaries of Russia.

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