Apsear - Heavenly dancers and seductive askets

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Apsear - Heavenly dancers and seductive askets

Apsears are the Virgin of unearthly beauty, which fulfill their functions in the heavenly monastery. In the ancient Indian texts "Sutra about Nanda" it is said that even the most beautiful girl of the world will not be able to compare with infinitely attractive apses, which they fulfill their sacred dances for the gods.

They were often compared with the eastern Guria, Greek nymphs, however, Apsear had completely unique features. Indians believed that there were many apsear, each of whom was truly unique. What is special in these sebamies? Where do apsears live and how do the gods serve?

Apsar - forever beautiful Virgin Heaven

Beautiful apsears in Hindu mythology are considered patrons of air and aquatic elements. Mention of them are found in the most ancient Indian texts. For example, "Rigveda" tells only about one Apsear, but in "Akhtarvoveva" already refers to many celestial beauties.

Ramayana describes Apsear as beautiful maids, which came out of the waters, retaining a truly divine appearance. Hindu myths say that there was no time a special estate of people, Gandharvi. Among them were a lot of singers, poets, musicians, warriors. It was for them that the apsears performed their charming dances, became wives and assistants of Gandharvov.

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Apseary give inspiration with their music

Apsears never stolen, and their beauty flourished only brighter. In Rigveda, it is mentioned about one of such lovers, which became the spouse of a powerful ruler and a warrior from the Pariravas dynasty. However, Azar spells acted not only on ordinary mortals.

It is no secret that the art of dance in India is considered one of the most difficult and most magical. Owing them perfectly. Apsears could charm as a terrestrial man and God. Several times the apsears even seduced demons, damping their strength, which means helping the gods to win.

At the same time, the image itself of these celestial beauties is the embodiment of femininity and tenderness. The lotus of Virgines with a thin waist and wide hips drove men crazy, becoming the elixir of life, the source of energy and inspiration. Here I want to notice that it is no coincidence that Apsears often became companions of poets, people who are constantly needing in inspirational strength.

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Beauty apsear

A variety of compassar functions

But not always apsears are shown as seductive. I had to meet the mention of them as "heavenly curtains", but this is not entirely true. These beauties performed a variety of functions. An indispensable apsears became during the wars of the gods with demons. Representing the light side, they rushed on the battlefield, giving the forces to defenders and bringing them soft drinks, which acted truly magically.

Sometimes there are amazing descriptions of APSAR actions at all. They act as pilots of combat chariots, which flew through the air. It must be recognized, the picture seems to be true fantastic. Apsears had a lot in common with wizards.

They could manage the forces of nature, easily changed their appearance, turned into animals and birds. However, most often they appeared in front of the heroes and warriors in their true appearance - in the form of semi-bored girls dressed in transparent flowing outfits of light fabrics.

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Heavenly dancer Apsar

In Nanda Sutra, which I have already mentioned, there is a very bright description of Apsar. It says that even a girl from the family of Shakya, ecliping with the beauty of other mortal women, in comparison with the bridal apsears resembles a crippled monkey.

No woman will endure even partial comparison with these chairs. In "Adipva", Arjuna's hero caught in the crocodile river, who suddenly accepted the look of a beautiful slender woman. Everything was illuminated around her shine - there was so dazzling the beauty of the semobhry.

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Rituals with apsears and their worship

Interestingly, Apsears were not considered the deities in the habitual meaning of this word, however they admired them, they were not stopped depicting on the walls of the temples. Rituals with their participation are often mentioned in tantric texts.

One of the similar information can be found in the "Yogani Tantra", where it says that Shiva was committed by Kaula-Sandhan rites with the help of five divine dancers. Moreover, in tantric treatments it is said that the support of Apsear helps to gain superpowers even a mortal person. In order for the reign period is glorious, and the lands flourished, the king was necessary to take one of these celestial beauties in worshi.

But if the gods and rulers of relations with the apses were quite even, then the attitude of the askets to these lovers can not be called unequivocal. The fact is that Apsears often seduced these men, which completely deprived of their acquired Force ascetic.

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Tuna Apseary

Nevertheless, the apsears themselves, their ability to inspire and give vital energy, contributed to the achievement of the ascetrics of the "unknown". The infinitely beautiful art of dance of these beauties allowed ascetic to step on a new stage of his spiritual development. At the same time, Apzar was considered to be a sensual obstacle, a test that people who dedicated themselves to the ministry of God should have been worthy of passing.

In Apsears, the qualities of seductive goddesses, chagging nymph, sophisticated dancers and just earthly women are perfectly combined in Apzara. It seems to me that this particular fusion of qualities made them incredibly attractive and beautiful.

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The ability to combine strength and weakness, tenderness and determination, charm and causing attractiveness could not remain unnoticed. It is possible that in images of Apsar is captured by a perfect image, which, no doubt, can discover any woman.

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