Deputy State Duma pointed to the too soft detention of Communist Bondarenko

Deputy State Duma pointed to the too soft detention of Communist Bondarenko 5383_1
State Duma deputy from LDPR Dmitry drunk and deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma from the Communist Party of Nikolay Bondarenko

Detention of the deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Nikolai Bondarenko, delivered to the police to bring to administrative responsibility for participating in the street action, was not too tough. About this today, February 8, in his Telegram-channel, a deputy of the State Duma from LDPR Dmitry Drunk was stated.

"Interesting is the situation. As you already know, this morning, Nikolai Bondarenko met the police and accompanied into the department. At this time, Nikolai led the broadcast on his YouTube Channel, where he described in detail what was happening to him. Also on video clearly audible clarifications of police officers about the causes of detention and further prospects. Everything is clear and understandable. Nikolaya is waiting for exactly the same fate as many other Russian citizens detained on unauthorized promotions on January 31.

But there is one nuance. Citizens "twisted" on the street and in the carpersons were taken to the police, and the main "fighter with the regime" voluntarily, without causing any harm, was calmly delivered to the department.

What's interesting here you ask? It is interesting to the position of his party comrades. By in vain, they began to declare that these are political repression. Allegedly Bondarenko detained for the intention to run into the State Duma. His colleague Raskin said that the detainee managed to call only him and no longer manage to contact him. The head of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party.

Or comrades Nicholas do not follow his account and do not watch live ether, or they themselves handed it to the police to organize hype and infoovod.

My opinion on this is simple. Nikolay is no better than other detainees, which means that the remaining citizens should be responsible for their actions, "said Zhirinovic drunk.

  • Nikolai Bondarenko was detained this morning at the entrance of his house and delivered to the OD-6. According to preliminary information, in relation to policies, they want to draw up a protocol for participating in the procession on January 31, which was held in the center of Saratov in support of the policy of Alexei Navalny.
  • The deputies of Bondarenko and Anidalov were present at the march. Before the start of the action, they reported that they came at the request of voters to observe the actions of the security forces.
  • Last week, Nikolai Bondarenko, speaking to journalists, admitted that he was already "imprints criminal articles" after the threats of regional officials due to their activity. At the same time, he announced a desire to compete with the Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin on the upcoming elections to parliament, if he would be nominated as a single-mandate.

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