A resident of Balakova held a picket at the prosecutor's office of the region. Her husband was slandered for 14 years of strict regime

A resident of Balakova held a picket at the prosecutor's office of the region. Her husband was slandered for 14 years of strict regime 5367_1

At these moments with a single picket, a resident of the Saratov region is a resident of Balakov Julia Sysuva. She wants to attract the attention of the servants of the benemis, the public and the media to illegally from her point of view of the sentence, who made her husband Nikolai. On Friday, December 25, Balakovsky Riceud sentenced Nikolai Sysov by 14 years of strict regime for committing a crime provided for by paragraph "B" part 4 of Art. 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - (violent action of a sexual nature in relation to the child).

- The accusation against my husband is absurdly absurd and built on an unfounded approval of a single woman. My husband did not make any crime, the investigators of the Investigative Committee (by the way, the case was transferred three times from one investigator to another) reacted to the investigation of negotia, presenting the situation one-sided. I intend to achieve a revision of the court decision. It turns out that we can do on any person so easily say that you want and a life will break him. Today I met with the prosecutor of the Saratov region Filipenko and he promised that he would definitely figure out the prosecutor's influence measures, "Julia told us.

This dramatic story happened back in 2018. Between the family of raw and another family with which the friendship has previously connected, an incident occurred. It was after this conflict to a friend of Yulia and applies to the Investigation Committee to Nicholas. Allegedly, her three-year-old daughter complained about the habitation of "Uncle Kolya". Moreover, the application was filed by mom's daughter for some reason only a month after another visit to Sysuev, when allegedly there was a harassment. The decision to initiate a criminal case was carried out, it was canceled. The investigation continues two years and in August 2020 it is transferred to the court. Sysueva were confident that the court would figure out and make an acquittal decision. Or, at a minimum, will send the case for revenue. All this time, a preventive measure was not applied to the accused, he lived at home, went to work. Came to the investigator for interrogations. And on December 25, immediately after the announcement of the sentence, Nikolai was taken into custody directly in the courtroom.

Yulia Sysuev in despair turned to human rights defender Natalia Karaman. A member of the Public Chamber of the Region prepares appeal to the prosecutor's office with a request to take measures of prosecutor's impact. The spouse of the convict went to Saratov today. She intends to fight for justice, as it believes that her husband stipulated and carried out a sentence against an innocent person.

We will publish more detailed information about this story later.

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