Facebook will pay 650 million dollars for using face recognition technology

Facebook will pay 650 million dollars for using face recognition technology 5337_1

The Federal Court of California satisfied a collective suit on $ 650 million from the inhabitants of Illinois. The social network should have paid compensation for the use of face recognition technology from 2011.

The lawsuit was sent to the US court back in 2015. It was argued that Facebook was used by the Facebook Corporation, without obtaining prior consent, which contradicts the current laws of Illinois on the confidentiality of biometric identification.

It is reported that the social network created and maintained models of user individuals with photos loaded by them (in the amount of more than 6.9 million people) from Illinois since the summer of 2011. The participants of the collective claim as a result were 1.6 million people (20% of the total number of "victims").

James Donato, American District Judge, confirmed the deal between Facebook and the participants of the collective claim. He noted: "Each of Illinois, who participates in a collective claim, can get from Facebook 345 dollars. This is a big consumer victory that worry about their digital privacy. "

Chicago lawyer Jay Edelson, who filed a lawsuit, noted the following: "We expect people to receive payments from Facebook for two or three months. Of course, if the Facebook Guide will not file appeals. "

"We are pleased that the question was settled, because it meets our interests and requirements of shareholders," the Facebook statement says.

The trial lasted for about five years. Only in January 2020, Facebook Corporation made a statement about peacefully to settle the case by paying relevant compensation to all victims. It was originally assumed that the social network would send $ 550 million for payments, but the Federal Court of California rejected this proposal by saying that it was "insufficient." As a result, the parties agreed on compensation in the amount of 650 million dollars.

It is interesting to note that for violating the legislation of the state of Illinois Corporation Facebook could be a fine of 47 billion dollars, if it were, it would not be settled peacefully.

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