8 wardrobe errors that actually give insecurity


Our internal state is given not only behavior, speech and obvious body signals. The clothes that we carry day-to-day, reveals us before those who are surrounding no less, telling about our ambitions, the kind of activity, fears, habits and emotions. After all, in fact, when choosing another pair of jeans, few people are focused on fashionable magazines - the solution is most often dictated by psychological reasons.

We in the adme.ru carefully studied the articles and opinions of various psychologists and eventually found that often the complexes and uncertainty in themselves are distinguished.


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There is nothing wrong with the desire to feel attractive and wearing open things for this, because the body is also a kind of value, which sometimes want to boast. However, when there is no balance in the wardrobe and the big percentage of the body opens at the same time and too often, this is a clear sign that in the depths of the soul you think it is like this is the only value you can offer.

Non-compliance with age

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Attempts to dress inconsistently age speak of a rejection of themselves. Teenage clothes in adulthood is a desperate attempt to slow down the aging process and speaks of a refusal of growing up. In the same way, too adult and conservative clothing at a teenager makes the appearance somewhat awkward and speaks of confusion and concern that he will not be taken seriously.

Work clothes

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About the problem with self-identification and the absence of a desire for self-expression also says the loopedness on one set of clothing. For example, when a person practically always goes in working clothes, which is not too suitable for the rest of the spheres of his life. Most often it happens in the environment of workaholics with an abnormal working schedule, which is a sign of the lack of balance between family life and work.


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Excessive, even painful dependence on designer new products and trends also indicates a serious problem with self-esteem. Most likely, the presence of all these fashionable things you just want to demonstrate the survivors and cause the respect that you lack for adequate self-esteem. Even worse when the style is completely copied with someone else, without one's own personality.

Simplicity and negligence

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The lack of accessories, monotony and negligence suggest that you are most likely not even thinking about someone else's attention and impress that, because you are guided by the routine and boredom. Some studies make a special focus on jeans - with all their simplicity they are quite whimsical and rarely sit perfectly. Therefore, the commitment to this element of clothing is coupled with inconsistency can say that the woman has lost interest in his appearance and may even be in an depressed state.


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Oversiz's style at one time untied his hands to many, however, in his world there are their laws that are taken into account by fashion and ignore people who only cover their own complexes with baggy clothing. For example, the desire to hide from strange eyes forces girls too often to resort to the help of spacious clothes, which in the end completely displaces the fit and elegant things from the wardrobe.


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An excess number of logos on your clothes also says that you are diligently trying to impress and cause admiration. A beautiful handbag or even the element of clothing with the logos of the famous brand itself do not carry any negative. But if you are covered with them from your head to the fifth, then it is already similar to the frank protrusion of your financial consistency. Especially disturbing if things are also purchased for money that you do not have, that is, in a loan or debt.


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The lack of a combination of different colors and the predominance of dark and gray shades in the wardrobe says that you want to merge with the crowd and turn into invisible. After all, scientists have long been proven that bright colors involuntarily attract views. So, even if you know that the red color has a positive effect on the image of a person, but do not use it, you clearly intentionally do not want to attract attention.

In your opinion, what other nuances in appearance give out the insecurity of a person?

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