How to locate the interlocutor from the first minutes of communication: Tips from Dale Carnegie


    Dale Carnegie is a famous American writer, teacher, author of many books. His contribution to psychology is simply unique. Now, with the help of books, Carnegie people learn from ourselves, self-knowledge and communication. One of the popular books Dale tells how to quickly arrange a person to himself. Similar ideas People around the world are used to conduct business, business negotiations and just to communicate with people. As a result, the life of readers is improving! I think it is worth listening to his advice!

    How to locate the interlocutor from the first minutes of communication: Tips from Dale Carnegie 5324_1

    This means that it is necessary to treat them in kind, without expecting a similar attitude towards himself. That's when you stop from other something to wait, and you will begin to act unselfishly, wonder how easy it is to communicate with others. To love you, you must first love yourself. And also Carnegie in his book wrote that negative people and unpleasant personalities, you just need to forget, instead of inventing the place of revenge. Otherwise, you can harm yourself more. In general, pacifism, i.e. Fight with violence, and love for neighbor can be traced in all the works of Carnegie. It is probably due to the fact that he himself was a leaving of the poor farmers family and was brought up in the spirit of Christian values.

    No one loves forever and tuned to the negative of people. These are certainly repel after just a few minutes of communication. It is important to have a positive attitude, and even to a very difficult situation to relate more calmly. The optimist is drawn to others, because it raises the mood. It is self-confident and positive people around others trust the most. By the way, Carnegie noticed this in his youth, when he had to work as a sales agent and communicate with a large number of people. After all, Dale had to convince people to buy goods, and it was optimism that he left him. Another integral part of the optimistic attitude is a sincere smile!

    It is easiest to get rid of problems and failures using work. You can not sit still, you need to always find a lesson. And such a judgment also appeared at Carnegie thanks to his personal experience. As a teenager, Dale worked a lot on the farm of his parents, as well as he studied in college. It was hard work that allowed the writer to understand the price of money, as well as helped learn not to worry on the trifles, and correctly express priorities in life. Carnegie said that life is too short to spend it on trifles. Here is the truth with which you definitely do not argue!

    Do not dig in your past, because you can no longer change it. Unfortunately, people very often forget about it, torment themselves with memories and spoil their mood. Of course, Carnegie said that their mistakes need to be analyzed, but it is impossible to turn the analysis in self-calledness, because there is absolutely no benefit from it. It is important to learn to control your thoughts, not allowing them to return to the former times.

    No one is ideal, but it is important to understand this and work to eliminate your flaws. All their lives need to be self-improvement, it becomes better, smarter, sociable. But you should not turn it into fanaticism. No need to hang on people labels, condemn them for actions and words, it is important.

    Treat people with understanding, then you will definitely get them to yourself!

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