"Collapsed" history. How to get rid of old buildings in the commut


Every year there are less and less historical structures in the commut. The building is currently being demolished at the crossroads of Lenin and Tretyakov. In this house in 1904-1905, Gagauz Revolutionary Galazan received meetings. About how in the capital of Gagauzia, historic buildings disappear in each other, in Laf.md material.

Instead of the house of a famous researcher of the Russian Empire, a new office "Gagauz Gaz"

The main part of the historic buildings in the community is located on the central street. One of the first old buildings in the city was demolished the house opposite the Comrat Cathedral. In this building, for many years, the office of the company Comrat GAZ has been located, and in the mid-2000s, a single-storey building with a semi-breeding premises decided to demolish.

According to the director of the Regional Library of Comment, Evgenia Lylenova, in this building, the house of a well-known bibliographer, teacher and researcher Peter Draganov (1857 - 1928) was presumably.

In Soviet times, at this place was the Department of People's Education of the Comrat district and Dining Room Proftechili. Even earlier a branch of school.

"Before the building was decided to demolish, the director of the Museum addressed to maintain the construction, but she was too old," Lulenova said the Laf.md correspondent

This looks like a new building built on the site of a single-storey building.

Nobody wished high-quality reconstruction. Instead of a one-story building, a three-storey office was built, in which the enterprise "Gagauz Gaz" is located.

Instead of the house of a rich landowner, a shopping center and a music school for several floors

Across the house of Peter Draganov was located another historic building. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was the house of a wealthy landowner by the Bass surname. The struggle with the landowners made him go to Romania, and the building took the Soviet government.

After that, the building was the police, with a preliminary conclusion cameras (CPR). Before demolition, the music school was located in the building. Zlatova. The mayor's office agreed with the entrepreneur Andrei Valkov, who received a free plot in the city center, while building a new building for a music school, part of the territory.

In this photo, the Bass landowner house is on the right. Photos were probably made from the bell tower of the Comrat Cathedral. Photo: Gagauz angle \ odnoklassniki
So the building in recent years looked before it was demolished. Photo: VK / Comrat

The gas office building and the building of the former music school were interconnected by the underground gallery. Even connections are preserved.

The house in which the Gagauz revolutionary conducted his meetings Andrei Galazan will also demise
Crossroads of the current streets of Lenin and Tretyakov. The house was visible to the left in which there was one of the first schools of the city and conducted his meetings the revolutionary Andrei Galazan. Photo: Gagauz corner / odnoklassniki

In early January, it became known that in the city center, another historical building will be demolished at the crossroads of Lenin streets and Tretyakov. One of the first schools of the city was located in a single-storey building. In 1904-1905, the revolutionary Andrei Galacean conducted his meetings in 1904-1905. He was the leader of the uprising in a community against the imperial power, the result of which was the creation of the self-proclaimed Comrat Republic. True after a few days, the participants of the uprising were arrested.

The fact that in the building occurred historical events few people know. For the past ten years, the building was used for shops.

So the building looks now, but will soon be destroyed

"These buildings are private, the owners have the right to do everything they want with them"

Specialist of the information tourist center Vera Garcha in the comments laf.md noted that Komrat loses one after another facilities that could be the historical heritage of the city, acquiring another appearance.

"Unfortunately, the building is private and the owner has the right to do everything he wants with him," said Vera Garcha.

Comment Mayor Sergey Anastasov in the comments for Laf.md said that there is no historical buildings in the community.

"If the building is in private property, then the administration is not entitled to interfere in the owner's affairs. It would be nice to buy a couple of houses, make museums, for example, Victory Street. But we do not have neither funds or opportunities. In addition, the city does not survive qualitative buildings of centenary, two hundred years ago. Maybe it's good because today there are modern buildings in their place, as a music school. Zlatova, where nice and comfortable children to do, "said Anastasov for Laf.md.

According to the register of national monuments in the commut, the Cathedral of John Forerunner, the monument of the fraternal grave of 22 soldiers who died in 1944, as well as the house of Genetics Alexei Blaladyan (1883-1959) on the street of liberation (1883-1959) on the street of liberation, and not at all.

The message "collapsed" history. As in the commut, get rid of old buildings appeared first on laf.md.

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