Blue Angel: Unusually beautiful, but dangerous as a dragon


Using the most important rule in order to survive in the depths of the ocean, one who seems fragile seems to be worse, and not even able to defend themselves, or indescribably adorable. The depths of the waters are not for the unfortunate - from that such animals have a healthier muscles and threatening teeth. And among such deceptive natures there is a real killer with the official title "Blue Angel". He has many other names.

Blue Angel: Unusually beautiful, but dangerous as a dragon 5306_1

It is noteworthy that this creation does not apply to the fish - it is from the genus of mollusks. It dwells in the tropical oceans, it is very problematic to keep his eyes, and it is also practically unrealistic forgotten if they still saw. It is enough to see such a striking creature once, and his appearance will fall in your memory forever.

The name "Dragon" creature was absolutely deserved - the outlines of the oblong body cause a hero from Chinese mythology. However, the Blue Mollusc representative represents a very serious danger. On the edges of the alloys - the supreets - the booksaws are located - special "devices", filled with tentacle shells of jellyfish. The principle of their action is identical - to shoot in the body of a detractor to the poison.

Where does the dragon have such protection? The answer is just - from food. Yad Dragon forms not independently, but takes away from other residents - Tellel and Portuguese ships - relatives of jellyfish. The latter cannot cause harm harm, so he eats them with bliss. Switching corrugated coverings are not dissolved, and over time turn into protective organs.

Since collecting capsules account for a long time, the angel tries to prevent collisions and unwanted meetings. For this, it will be masked: the silver back is very hard to see with the sunlight, and the blue belly protects very well from the view from above. This position for the resting mollusk is very profitable, as it is located in the belly up. The mollusk firmly adjacent to the film of the dispersion medium, and does not completely obstructively glides.

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From the risk of an unexpected branch from the ocean stroy angel is protected. The air bubble in the intestinal cavity will raise to sunlight.

Crashing with the jellyfish, the mollusk does not leave her remains to decompose, because they are not exclusively eating, but also a housing and a kind of kuvez. Angel leaves pending eggs without support, but attaches to the remains of the former meal. However, before pressing the cubs in the "kindergarten", first they need to be made to light. Blue angels are hermaphrodites, but to autogamy - independent fertilization - are not adapted. To continue your family, they need to find a couple. After the copulation, partners are left for the portion of the future generation on the minus minus.

What does it follow? Appearance and emergence are not the main factors. Let the dragon look like a very unusual and uncomplicated being, yet, today, the fish that would win him, find enough problematic.

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