Previously arising ownership ... Nuances

Previously arising ownership ... Nuances 5291_1

We are talking about real estate facilities purchased until January 31, 1998, when the Law No. 122-FZ "On State Registration of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with Him" ​​came into force.

Previously arising ownership ... Nuances 5291_2

The rights to real estate arising before the entry into force of the law is recognized as legally valid in the absence of their state registration.

Owners can register their rights in the Unified State Real Estate Register (EGRN), and may not do this. This is their desire and right. This states item 1 of Article 62-ФЗ. More precisely, she said. From 2020, by the way, a new state registration law is valid on July 13, 2015 No. 218-FZ, it is paragraph 1 of Article.69.

Later registration of the right to EGRN simply confirms the previously emerged right.

☑️ The registration fee of previously emerged is not paid now (from 01/01/2021, subparagraph 8 of paragraph 3 of Article 333.35 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Previously, it was possible not to pay only if the right was simultaneously crossed to another person (selling, donation and TP).

☑️ For tax purposes, the initial date of purchase is considered to be taxed when selling such an object, and not the date of registration of the right to EGRN.

☑️ If the housing is obtained under the renovation program, the counting of ownership comes from the start of the ownership of the "old", the delivered city of the apartment.

? In Moscow, order documents on the rights to apartments, registered until January 31, 1998, can be online.

This is a useful service, for example, at the loss of a right-ending document on an apartment.

The applicant can get within the framework of this service:

☑️ certificate of registered as of January 31, 1998 Rights to the object of the Housing Fund;

☑️ Extended certificate of registered as of January 31, 1998 Rights to the object of the Housing Fund (indicating the details of privileged documents);

☑️ Certificate of the rights of a particular person on the objects of the Housing Fund as of January 31, 1998;

☑️ Help on the transition of rights to the object of the housing stock until January 31, 1998;

☑️ certificate of participation until January 31, 1998 in the privatization of the housing facility;

☑️ An archival copy of the right-pointing documents for the object of the Housing Fund, in respect of which the applicant had rights until January 31, 1998;

☑️ Notification of information change in the case of a semantic error in data.

Persons who had the right to the objects of the Housing Fund, as well as persons participating and not participating during this period in privatization, can take advantage of the service. But you need to have a confirmed full account on

If the applicant, in addition to the electronic version, also need paper documents, when applying for an application, put a mark on obtaining them in the selected MFC.

Term - 14 slave days, state duty is not charged.

And by the way about fraudsters and previously arisen

Rosreestr reported, writes RIA Novosti that unknown persons from his behalf send the Russians to the Russians on the need to design their apartments in the Unified State Real Estate Register (EGRN).

Rosreestr stated that the Office of such letters does not send and that the registration of previously arising rights for real estate is carried out only at the request of the owner.

Be vigilant and do not go on the tricks of scammers.

What else to read: what document gives property ownership? Delicacy does not always give the right to personal ownership

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