How did the socialization arise in the USSR and what did the winners awarded?

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How did the socialization arise in the USSR and what did the winners awarded? Photo: Depositphotos.

Any type of activity in one form or another contains elements of competition. With socialism, the spirit of rivalry found a separate embodiment in the form of the so-called socialist competition for the Niva Labor. Labor teams took on certain obligations and a friendly system went to their fulfillment and over-fulfillment. The article will tell how it was.

The first about the competition, just competition, and not socialist, said Vladimir Lenin in January 1918 in his article "How to organize a competition." According to him, this competition should have replaced the capitalist competition of manufacturers - the competition, which in the country who won capitalism could not be a speech in connection with the planned management of the national economy.

Socialist competition began to be called in 1929, after the abolition of NEP. Wide masses of workers needed to involve in the process of industrialization and collectivization of the country. And for this purpose, the idea of ​​Lenin was suitable in the best possible way.

A native of St. Petersburg was an inspirer of the socialist competition ... Putin! Brigadier Bubblers Mikhail Eliseevich Putin.

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Sign "Winner of Socialist Competition" Photo: Genady Leonov, Personal Archive

On March 15, 1929, the Pravda newspaper published a note "The Treaty on the Socialist Competition Cubs of the Trub Workshop of the Plant" Red Cellifice ". Her text read:

We, aluminum corrugations, we call for a socialist competition to raise productivity and reduce the cost of the following development: cleaning, chopper, rig and the development of tram arcs. We, for our part, voluntarily reduce by 10 percent of the rates on the burnt and take all measures to increase labor productivity by 10 percent. We encourage you to take our challenge and conclude a treaty with us. Aluminum bubbles: Putin, Mokin, Reloblin, Rounds.

Soon calls for social resources were published in many newspapers, and this form of increasing labor productivity began to spread widely throughout the country.

Socialist competition as the phenomenon of the planned economy existed until 1990. Under the auspices of Soviet trade unions, everyone competed in industry, agriculture, schools, hospitals ... even in the army competed!

Competitive enterprises and workers - each at their level - have been expected socialist obligations to fulfill and over-fulfillment, an increase in labor productivity, improving the quality of products, personal educational and professional growth.

To identify the winners of the Socialist Competition, his results were summed up. The timing of the calculation of the results, as a rule, was confined to large socialist and communist holidays or commemorative dates - for example, by the birthday of V. I. Lenin or the anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

As a moral promotion of the winners of the Socialist Competition, he was awarded with honorary diplomas, icons, room photo of the winner on the honorable board. Labor teams were awarded the transitioning banner of the winner in the socialist competition.

There was a material encouragement. In addition to monetary premiums, labor collectives, individual competitions of competitions received scarce products or benefits in the form of free vouchers to resorts, permission to travel abroad, the right of extraordinary housing and the purchase of a car.

There should be two signs among the awards to the winners of social resources.

The first is the sign "Winner of the Socialist Competition", established by the CPSU Resolution to the CPSU, Sovmina of the USSR, WCSPS, Central Committee of the W CLKSM dated January 5, 1973 No. 15.

Awarded with the sign was awarded a certificate of the established sample, and an appropriate entry was made in his workbook.

The signs "The Winner of Sochins Restoration" are included in the list of departmental signs of differences in labor, giving the right to assign the title "Veteran of Labor", which brought awarded substantial bonuses after retirement.

There was another sign - "Drummer of Communist Labor."

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Sign "Drummer of Communist Labor" Photo: Genady Leonov, Personal Archive

But despite its high pathos status, this sign has significantly inferior to the sign "Winner of Socialist Competition" in terms of privileges provided awarded.

There were a lot of disputes, whether the title "Drummer of the Communist Court" was the basis for assigning awarded title "Veteran Labor". But ultimately, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation decided that this award is not a reason. Because in the list of departmental signs of differences in labor, the sign "Drummer of Communist Labor" did not mean. And this title was assigned only as an additional measure of moral incentive.

Author - Genady Leonov

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