Residents of the Intercession, where the duration is departed: - "We wanted to do it!"

Residents of the Intercession, where the duration is departed: -

We have already reported in what conditions the oppositionist and politician Navalny's politician in the Pokrovskaya IR number 2 is serving. We will remind, the court sentenced Alexei to 2 years in prison in the case of "Yves Rocher". Two correspondents of "Vladimir news" went on a business trip, to the city of Pokrov, where the famous oppositionist was stupid. What managed to find out our journalists? Read in our material.

How much to stay in the cover - it is unknown ... an hour in the way, and our creative brigade was at the entrance of IC - 2. Our correspondents were unsubstituted to leave the car, as a colony employee approached them and demanded immediately removed.

- "Turn off everything and leave the parking lot. Here you can not remove. Parking for relatives, and you (in bulk - approx. Editors) Relatives do not come, "the colony employee stated with a serious species.

For a passage to the territory of a correctional institution, it is necessary to have a formal permission. Our editorial office has already sent a request for passing the press in IR - 2. Here are only official letters regarding 30 days. The fact that reporters will not miss - it was expected.

Around a naked field and no one of the people. Approximately in a hundred meters from the cruson colony. In search of information, our team went to the nearest store ... Economic goods on shop windows, and the saleswoman rushes for the counter with shouts, which turned off electricity.

- "I'm not up to you at all! No light, nothing works! Somewhere accident on the line! "

- In the colony, too, turned off?

- "I do not know this".

- Are not afraid to work in close proximity to the zone?

- I? Not! For 10 years I have been working here. 8 years ago there was escape, and then everything became calm.

After the saleswoman switched to a dialogue with workers, and our journalists went further to communicate with the locals. It is noteworthy that in the daytime street in the cover almost empty. There are practically no passersby. On the approach to the city center, we met a young man and asked what he could live next to a correctional institution, and how he belongs to Navalny.

- "Not only is IK-2, so another prison is not far." Of course, not the most favorable neighborhood. I plan to marry and have children. I would not want to live in the city, where there are two correctional institutions. The contingent here you know "," answered Andrei Ivanov, a resident of the city of Pokrov. - "The fact that such a person was brought to our small town as Alexey Navalny, I did not know. How do I treat him? Listen, well, he is not a killer, not the rapist and not a pedophile. I have nothing against his activities. Everyone has the right to his own opinion, and if he wants to share them, let him share. In this regard, I am apolitical. "

Next, we went to one of the universes. Our attention attracted a married couple. Man and woman chose vegetables. As it turned out, spouses are not far from the cover of the cottage.

"To do not care on your Navalny, carry with him, as with a written Tuba," said Rais Danilov.

- "Here the prisoners are often repaired. Let Navalny build us new benches, "the Alexey Danilov joined the conversation.

But Alexey Navalny will not build new benches, for the simple reason that is located on the strengthened control sector. Such prisoners are serving a sentence strictly behind barbed wire.

But what other locals say:

- "You should drive it out to the damn mother from our city! Let him sit somewhere in the north. "

"I don't have anything to Navalny."

- "He is not the first and not the last. Some come out, others plant. "

But, quite recently, in support of the prisoner Alexei Navalny across the country, inconsistent shares were held. People have become furious against his arrest. They risked their freedom on rallies and health in places of mass accumulation of the people during the coronavirus epidemic. What has changed? It seems that in the cover of politics there are no supporters, or we did not meet them.

However, on this, our business trip did not end in the cover. Continuation in our next material.

Journalists: Evgeny Pavlov, Valery Timergaline.

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