On the street revolution in Perm, a new tram line has been opened


The head of the Kama Dmitry Makhonin opened a new site of the tram line on the street of the revolution, which connected Siberian and Kuibyshev. Here will be to run the trams of the new generation of facilities.

From Dynamo Stadium before stopping the DS of Orlenok, along with the governor on the tram passed by I.O. Minister of Transport of the Region Andrei Alyakrinsky and Vrio Chapter Perm Alexei Dekin.

Now, the street of the revolution is followed by two adjusted tram routes: No. 11 (School No. 107 m / r Vissim), which is transferred from Lenin Street and Petropavlovskaya Street, and No. 6 (Perm II Advertising), who, after the completion of the arrangement of the arrow translation on Siberian Street Change the final stop with the M / R walking to Perm II and will not run on Gorky Street.

To connect the street of the world and Lenin Street will begin to run a new tram number 12 (Ossenza School No. 107 m / p walking), which compensates for changes in route No. 11.

Note that simultaneously with changes in routes, first introduce a clock schedule for the first time: trams, following in one direction, will have the same frequency of movement. This will eliminate situations when two cars of different routes come to one stop at the same time.

The head of Prikamye Dmitry Makhonin recalled that the development of the transport industry, the construction of new branches, the reconstruction of existing lines and updating the rolling stock priority tasks for the government of the region. So, in 2020, 480 modern buses were on the roads and edges and more than 20 trams of the new generation were purchased. And the governor promised to update the tram park by 50% to the 300th anniversary of Perm.

We laid 500 million rubles in the budget for repairs of 110 km of tram rails. The task of increasing public transport routes will also be promoted by the agreement concluded with Sinara company, which involves the launch of the tram to the Ministry of Health, the governor added.

In turn, Alexey Demkin noted that the new tramways in Perm were not built since the 70s of the last century. And the branch built on the reconstructed section of the street of the revolution will allow to expand the transport service area of ​​residents and will become an important link between the industrial and Motovilikhinsky districts.

Rails on a new section are laid on a monolithic base: this technology will help significantly reduce vibration loads and increase the total service life of the tramway.

Recall that the new tram line along the street revolution is part of its large-scale reconstruction, which is conducted since the end of 2018. Now the street of the revolution is expanded to four lanes, and the movement on it became two-way. On the site, networks were also renewed, new stops were created, pedestrian zones and parking pockets were organized, street lighting was mounted.

It should be noted that in Perm also began a overhaul of a turning ring near the MKR Vissim and the tram branch from the intersection of the Ural street and Rosalia Street Street to the street of 1905. Works will be completed until September 1. Thus, the renewal of tram lines in the Motovilikhinsky region will be fully completed. Earlier, the paths on the north dam, a plot on the Uralskaya Street from Gagarin Boulevard to Rosalia Street, the streets of Krupskaya and Friendship Square.

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