Girl-Wunderkind from the nineties Irina Polyakova revealed its current life


Irina has become popular in the nineties of the twentieth century, finished

Just 13 years old and enrolling in Moscow State University. Her career was extremely successful, but mental health left much to be desired.

Girl-Wunderkind from the nineties Irina Polyakova revealed its current life 5203_1

Not like everyone else

For the first time, they wrote about the "teacher newspaper" when Irina was about ten years. A pair of short plots on TV was also shot. Then they stopped mentioning about it in the media, and attached to the girl of the psychologist. But it was done rather in order to better explore Iru, and not to help her cope with his difficulties. But the Academy of Sciences had its assistance in the transition to school better.

Irina Polyakova at the age of five read 26 volumes of Jules Verne. This is one of the most curious facts from her biography. The girl spoke pretty well from 1.5 years old and at about the same age read.

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Irina Polyakova does not respond to his childhood, as something is cheering and positive. She was the only child in the family. Her mother was obsessed with the idea of ​​doing the daughter of Wunderkind and developed for this combination of its own methods, not neglecting various experiments. All his distant plans, she sought to implement with the help of his child.

Irina went to one of the most ordinary schools on the outskirts of Moscow. But after a few years she strongly recommended to translate into the gymnasium.

The primary class teacher did not love Irina for a long time, because she constantly corrected some mistakes behind her. For the fact that the girl performed large amounts of tasks on his own initiative, the teacher once put her two and forced to rewrite the whole notebook. Irina cried and rewritten all night. She had a heart attack. After this case, Mom translated it into the class, where he herself taught, but only hooligans and dwellers studied there. Mom warned the girl to anyone from them interfere with and quietly made his tasks.

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For six months, the girl completely mastered the third-class program, and then in a couple of weeks and the fourth program. It happened that in a short period, Irina mastered the program for three years.

Relations with classmates in Irina Polyakova did not meet at all. The teacher allocated her on a general background, calling the rest of the "chocks with eyes." After this case, classmates managed her face. The girl did not know how to defend her position in front of others, and her parents did not consider it a necessary skill. The absence of socialization has played a role.

In another school, relationships with classmates became better, but slightly. Irina did not make friends with them, despite the fact that he tried to stretch to them. As a result, she still turned out to be an outcast. Study has become a single entertainment for a girl and even a refuge. It is from studying Irina received pleasure, since she was praised for it.

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From the side of classmates there were jokes and minor dirty.

The girl has suffered a long time from control and increased care from parents. During an interesting student life, they continued to drive her handle to the university's doors. Also in her life there were prohibitions for hair coloring, visit visit and on birthdays.

Irina in Moscow State University had to hide her age so that the rest would not know that she had a welded. The truth was then opened when the girl had already appeared friends, a circle of communication was formed. But parents continued to put on her with their control. The only thing she wanted to escape from mother and father as soon as possible.

At 18 she really managed to do it. She escaped and began to live with a former classmate on a removable apartment. Parents actively expressed their indignation. At some point, the girl stopped communicating with them. But due to the disease, the father had to resume relationships.

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To live with parents is much worse than without them, despite the fact that independent life is hard. Irina even had to hide the purchase of his own car. But I still had to tell about it later. Parents perceived such news negatively.

At the age of 20, Irina went to Canada. There she had a very romantic story. At some point she got married, but never came out. Of course, the opportunity to stay abroad was. But the girl did not notice the prospects interesting it. In Switzerland, she achieved a much larger than her former young man who worked in Canada.

There is such a notion "narcissistic expansion of parents." That is what was characterized by the parents of Irina. As a result, the girl did not have a normal childhood in which she hardly needed. When the Wunderkinds grow up, they have two ways of development. Some live in their achievements, they are comfortable to be mega sucked, do not be friends with them - and okay, nobody needs them. According to the result, they can become lonely and even unhappy. Others try to change something, but they continue to kick them.

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Irina Polyakova experienced home violence on his own experience. Here we are talking about her former husbands. There were two of them. At the moment, Irina is divorced, but nevertheless, she has a relationship.

The situation with the personal front did not improve for a long time, because the parents inspired the parents throughout her that Irina is good only in school, and any attempt to start the relationship will end badly. This led to the fact that she chose the uncomfortable men who did not respect her, but tolerated such an attitude towards himself. The requirements for men with Irina throughout their lives were too low. It was possible to correct only thanks to a long work on himself.

Irina has a son who is now 13 years old. And he is an ordinary child. The only thing that confuses his mother is a different mindset. If she has mathematical, then the son is humanitarian.

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The relationship of Irina with her mother underwent changes. After psychotherapy, it became much easier for her to build personal borders and stop any attempts to manipulate and pressure.

Now Irina has been working as a Marketing and PR head in Russia and the QNET CIS.

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