Why don't you need an invite in Clubhouse


Apparently, we are so few social networks for communication (sarcasm) that the appearance of any new causes a real excitement. Of course, ClubHouse is not another Facebook or Telegram, the application developers decided to go differently and instead of a text format offered users an audio format. It turned out that the topic works, Haip around Clubhouse such that, it seems, a grandmother will start talking about him soon. As a result, many other social networks have turned into a community from those who want to get into Clubhouse, as it's just that way to enter there will fail there, you need an invitation. Even in our chat in Telegram, sometimes begin to spare invites. But in fact, you are unlikely to invite this social network. And below, I will tell why (spoiler is not so cool there, as they say).

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Everything is just talking about invites to Clabukhaus. But is it worth it?

What is Clubhouse

In brief, Clubhouse is a social network where users can only communicate with a voice. There is no possibility to write each other's messages, no "lies"; Only groups (rooms) in which people communicate.

In the user's rooms, two roles are possible: the founder of the room that automatically becomes the moderator, and the listener - by default they become all users who went into the room. Next, the founder may assign additional moderators. If the user wants to speak, he rises the "Raise Hand" icon, after which the moderators decide who to give a word.

Actually, this is a brief, but very accurate description of what Clabukhaus is now. The service was developed at Alpha Exploatation, which only a year ago founded out of Google and Pinterest.

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The main page of the Clubhouse (left) with available rooms and the room itself (right). From above speakers, below - listeners

How to get invite in Clabukhaus?

There are three ways to get an invitation to this social network and start communicating with other users. The most popular - to find an invite; You can ask for friends or acquaintances, suddenly someone already uses Clubhouse, and they will send you an invitation.

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The number of available invites is indicated at the top

But the number of invitations is limited, and soon they end. Therefore, there is a second way - any user can invite you yourself if your phone number has in contacts. In this case, the invite is not needed, he simply finds you on a social network (providing access to contacts) and clicks "Let's Them In!". The number of such "invitations" is unlimited.

Well, the third way (the longest) - you can download the application and leave a bid to authorization in it. Perhaps you will be lucky, and the system itself will offer you to log in after a while. Or maybe not. I waited about 3 weeks until I just sent an invite.

Why is Clubhouse so popular?

Although the format of the social network is really different from usual to us, it is still not clear why everyone suddenly spoke about Clabukhaus. This is an explanation, because one of the clubhouse investors is a well-known venture capitalist Mark Andrissen. It was enough for him to connect some of his connections so that Ilon Mask, Mark Zuckerberg, Jared, Kanye West, and the rest of themselves will catch up in the social network. Given that I now listed some of the most famous people in the world, it is not surprising that Clabukhaus "took off."

Well, plus mechanics with invites raised the attractiveness of the service. When a user cannot log in or register somewhere, he wants to get there even more. Such psychology.

Is it worth downloading Clabukhaus

Surely you have not read this article yet, but you already think where to get an invite, or register in the application. Do not hurry. For more than a week, I used Clubhouse every day and I must say that the service has many flaws. And many of them can hardly be fixed.

First, Clubhouse application simply throws you notifications as soon as you get access to it. As soon as someone will start a conversation or join another, there will be a push notification. It seems that the developers of Clapphaus had a goal - to make an application that will make notifications as much as possible. Well, really, I don't get so much from the messengers. I had to limit notifications at all and go to the application only when I have time.

Another lack of Clabukhaus personally for me - conversations cannot be listened to records. Of course, it makes no sense to record every conversation, but it would be convenient to have a button by clicking on which I could start a record, thereby showing interest in the room, and then listen when there is time. Some conversations last 2, 3 hours and even more (people, do you really have so much free time? I envy). I just don't have so much time and charge on the iPhone, and the battery lies this application very quickly. It is a pity, because sometimes the discussion is found really interesting.

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It would be great to add a record button somewhere here

But it is Polwy, and can be fixed in the next release. That developers will be difficult to correct, this is the behavior of the users themselves. I mentioned that in Clabukhaus there are cognitive discussions, but most of the conversations are just a trio. I visited very many rooms, even listened to many discussions, but often this level of conversations "The Sky - Blue, Grass - Green." Nothing useful if only there is no purpose meaningless to spend a couple of hours of his life

Very many conversations are conducted in the style of "Captain Obvious". Somehow went into the room, where they discussed the attitude of the leaders to their employees. It seems to be interesting. But all the arguments were reduced to the fact that "the employee needs to be resting", "you need to use the task scheduler", "arrange an employee's workplace" and so on. Seriously? And I liked how many speakers try to seem smart, die quotes from the Internet, speaking at the same time obvious to most things.

At first I thought that I was simply not lucky with the rooms and speakers, but ... more than 80% of the conversations in Clabukhaus are that.

And I conducted an experiment - in rooms that were of particular interest to me, I tried to get out of the role of the listener and become a speaker. Raised his hand. Only in 2-3 rooms it worked. The rest you can see that speakers know each other, and invite only those who are familiar personally from the listeners. And where people were really invited, they were often picked out of the room, if their opinion did not coincide with the opinion of other speakers (although the arguments were).

So uninteresting. The conversation immediately becomes boring than if a man was put on her.

In general, it seems to me that Clabukhaus left in High and participating in his promotion of famous personalities like Ilona Mask, Oleg Tinkov and the rest. And as soon as the Haip will fall, and it can happen, everything will be forgotten about him. Or will come out a new social network with another feature. So in one time it was with the Secret application, where users wrote nasty about each other, similarly went and Pinterest. Perhaps I am mistaken, but in the current form of Clabukhaus I didn't go at all. " So, maybe you do not need an invite there. In any case, while.

And the Clubhouse application is available only for iOS. Android - in span.

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