"Goldfish" - the exercise for the back of Katsudzo Niche


Therapeutic exercises Golden fish for the back are suitable for those who suffer from pain in the spine. The pain also decreases when swimming, the correct run, cycling workouts. It is necessary to discuss in advance the right physical activity with a doctor. It is worth noting that the unhealthy spine can cause other diseases. Therefore, before switching to the technique of execution of "goldfish", we will deal with habits harmful to the back.

What causes pain?

34 vertebrae in the spine is associated with joints and ligaments. It is thanks to them that you can turn right or left a head, torso, lean forward or lean back. Between the vertebrae are cartilage (discs), which absorb the load on the back.

The vertebrate consists of 5 parts: neck, back, loin, crescent and spine itself. Pain in any spinal column area is the consequences of injury, lifting heavy weight, running along a solid asphalt surface, sudden and inconsistent movements, long non-physiological posture (sitting in a car, uncomfortable chair or on a chair), colds.

The unhealthy spin also becomes the cause of other diseases, because the vital activity of the organs is closely connected with it.

For example, the cervical spine provides blood transmission to the brain, visual and auditory bodies. Thus, the pain in the neck can cause headaches, problems with hearing or vision.

Osteochondrosis of the dorsal can lead to cardiac and abdominal disorders. Pain in the lower back limits human mobility and the ability to work. In case of damage to the lumbar department, the functions of urination and genital organs can be disturbed, so the spine must be protected and protected.

How to live a person who has a back hurt? What if you suffer from the pain in the spine? What habits should you refuse?

Workplace and the right habits

It is important that the workplace is equipped so that you do not have to sit in squatting, bend or strained. The spine and muscles often hurt, because the desktop is too low, and the position of the body is inconvenient.

When sitting, the pressure on the vertebral pole is 40% higher than when walking or standing. Table height, computer monitor screen, keyboard and stools must match your growth.

The chair should be high enough so that the legs rest on the floor, and the caviar and hips accounted for a straight angle of 90 °.

Try to work relaxed, without leaning forward (shoulders should not be tilted forward and not to fold back). The housing can be tilted up to 20 °, otherwise you will have to strain the spine and intervertebral discs.

Put your hands comfortably on the stand for the chair or desktop. Do not sit in a position of the so-called thinker, that is, with a chin, supported by hand. Speaking by phone, keep it in your hand, and not on the shoulder.

Very bad habit of sitting with raised legs. This not only disrupts blood circulation, but also the right posture. It is advisable to change the position of sitting, legs and hands every 20 minutes, turn your head in different directions.

If you spend a lot of time in the car while working, adjust the seat so as to sit with a straight back, have easy access to the steering wheel and pedals.

When lifting weights, bend your legs, not back

When you work at home or in the garden, it is impossible to make an excessive physical activity on the vertebral pole. Suppose it happens that the sink is often installed too low in the kitchen or in the bathroom. Many home items must be comfortable (vacuum cleaners, brooms often have short handles).

If you sharply bend or rotate, you can stretch your back muscles. This should be avoided, remembering how to properly maintain the back position: it should be slightly relaxed and straight that does not resemble a question mark.

If you buy a lot of products in the store, put them in the basket, do not wear everything in one hand. If purchases weigh more than 5 kg, we carry them (especially women) in two bags.

Often the back is injured when performing multiple movements at the same time. In women, this usually happens when lifting a heavy item (squatting!) Or a child through a narrow door of the machine.

The back is especially injured when lifting weights after bending. Please note how professional rods do it: they raise gravity right above the spine, and not the opposite.

Consequently, when lifting a severe thigh, the hips must have the greatest load (so bend the legs), and not back. She should always remain straight. Keep the object as close as possible to the legs and stretch the spine slowly, and not sharp movements.

Those who suffer from back pain, medicinal exercises are needed.

"Goldfish" - the exercise for the back of Katsudzo Niche

Prevention of back pain

Japanese scientist Katsudzo Nishi every day proposes to exercise "Golden Fish" for the back to maintain its viability. This healing system was created at the beginning of the 20th century, but the philosophy of which is still relevant. It is based on the principle that all therapeutic resources you need are built into ourselves, and to achieve good health simply need to be used and activated.

What is the exercise "Goldfish"

The exercise itself is so named by the author himself, because the movement of the body performed resembles the movement of floating fish. This improves the function of the entire spine and, therefore, the overall state of health.

According to Nici, the root cause of all diseases should be sophisticated in the spine: if he is fine, then the whole body is healthy.

Exercise "Fish" for the back is part of the 6 "Golden Health Rules", which creates niches in order to improve the nervous system, blood circulation in the body and the rehabilitation of the spine after daily loads.

On the one hand, pain and back problems associated with immobilization are reduced, and on the other, the work of the nervous system and internal organs is normalized. Thus, this one exercise has a beneficial effect on the whole organism, both physically and mentally.

What are the advantages of regular practice "Fish" exercise for the back

Such an exercise is able to improve the state of the spine for a very short time, and it is especially useful for people who perform static work suffering from fixedness and problems with their backs. It helps to improve the posture, free the spine, restore the balance and muscle tone.

As a result of back pain and discomfort, decrease, and ultimately the overall health is improved. The exercise efficiency increases significantly if it is performed on a regular basis, ideally combined with other rules of the niche system. Exercise "Fish" in gymnastics serves as a preparatory element before the main training.

"Golden Fish" Exercise - Benefits and Harm

"Goldfish" is well combined with yoga and other exercises for the recovery of the spine. Sometimes even used "fish" in gymnastics to reduce the risk of injury.

No harm from exercise. It is useful to perform it even to schoolchildren who are often stolen or sit at the table in the wrong position, from which scoliosis begins to appear.


Reduces back pain

Strengthens the muscles around the spine

Release the spine

Improves blood circulation

Improves the function of the central and peripheral nervous system

Normalizes intestines and other internal organs

Eliminates nervous tension


Pregnancy in late terms

The exacerbations associated with intervertebral hernias

The presence of open RAS or postoperative seams (when a decrease in physical activity for the recovery period is recommended)


Cardiovascular diseases in the period of exacerbation

Contraindications of Golden Fish Katsudzo Niche are associated with situations when she is required, that is, a decrease in motor activity is recommended. In other cases, the exercise can be used without restrictions.

Exercise "Goldfish"

How to learn to do "fish"? Although the exercise is not related to complex or dangerous movements, familiarize yourself with several important things before performing it. So, if you suffer from any disease of the spine or have a strong back pain, you should start doing exercise carefully and gradually.

If the pain is enhanced, it is better to wait until sharp symptoms be shed and then trying to repeat. It is also important that the body is prepared for the exercise. It is necessary to pre-stretch the back, all major joints and relax them as much as possible to avoid unwanted contractions or discomfort when performing this exercise.

Exercise is performed 2 times a day in the morning and in the evening.

Exercise "Fish" for the back - execution technique

  • To start, lie on the floor or solid and even place.
  • Raise your hands as much as possible and pull the spine.
  • Legs should also be straight, and ankles are 90 °, so that the fingers of the legs are directed to the ceiling.
  • First you can perform several tensile movements in different directions in order to maximize the muscles. To do this, pull both hands to the right and at the same time slide the right foot in the same direction while holding for 5-7 seconds. Do the same, but pulling your hands to the left and moving the left foot in the same direction. Repeat it 5-7 times for each side.
  • When finished with the preparatory part, put your hands behind the neck and prepare for the exercise itself. To do this, press your whole body to the floor and direct your fingers to the head.
  • From this position, start to rock all your body to the left and right, resembling fish swimming.
  • Gradually increase the vibration amplitude, following the spinner to change the position.

Do the exercise fish for the back for 1-2 minutes.

If you are a novice, you can start executing about 30 seconds and gradually increase it to a few minutes.

"Goldfish" - the exercise for the back of Katsudzo Niche

The simulator "Goldfish"

The main purpose of such a simulator is to remove the tension and restore the mobility of the spine. It provides amazing combinations of recreation and exercise. While you are lying, the device smoothly shakes legs. This movement is reported to the pelvis, and the pelvis fluctuations are transmitted to the spine.

15 minutes of classes on the Gold Fish simulator create a motor load on the spine, corresponding to 100 minutes of aerobics. In addition, a rhythmically shaking body, the simulator "massages" the back, due to which the muscle tension is removed, the blood circulation in the spine.

Those who are forced to spend a whole day standing or for a long time to ride in the car, it happens enough 15 minutes of workout to remove stagnant phenomena in the legs.

Such a simulator can be recommended and older people, even if they have an unhealthy heart, because it practically does not give the load on the cardiovascular system.

"Golden Fish" - Exercise for the back of Katsudzo Niche The main healing functions of the simulator "Goldfish"
  • Activation of cells.
  • Restoration of the spine.
  • Improved immune system.
  • Stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system and products of blood cells in the bone marrow.
  • Balanting the vegetative nervous system.
  • Improving blood circulation.
  • Improving venous outflow.

Active lifestyle helps prevent diseases of the spine. The stronger the muscles, the stronger they will hold the body in place, and the less risk of the back injury. Therefore, we added a few more exercises for the back:

Stretching on the crossbar or Swedish wall

In prophylactic purposes it is advisable to install at home or in the courtyard of the crossbar at such a height so that it can be reached by hand. It is recommended to engage in the crossbar daily, preferably twice a day.

How to do this healing exercise

Cook with your hands and pull up until the chin reaches the crossbar. After several times, tighten up, relaxing the muscles without touching the feet of the earth or floor. Lightly lift the body and lower again, move the hips, shoulders, legs. Do not worry if you feel easy squeezing of the spine or hear the snapshots of the vertebrae. This is harmless.

Stretching on the crossbar (the Swedish wall is also suitable) is useful if you suffer from pain in the spine or lumbar region. Hanging exercises will be more efficient after a hot bath or sauna.

Do not abuse warmth

The pain in the spine in the neck, back, sacrum or lower back is removed using various heating procedures, such as sauna, hot tub, hot sand and so on. Valerian or chamomile baths soothe and reduce pain in the spine.

However, it is not recommended to tie a warm or woolen scarf as soon as the neck or loin begins to hurt. The constant heating of the spine increases its sensitivity and at the same time reduces the ability to adapt to temperature fluctuations. Remember that moderate heating, active movements are always more useful for the body than everything else.

In addition, if there are problems with the spine, it is necessary to maintain the normal body weight. Regularly do the exercises Golden fish for the back and be healthy!

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