"Communalka instead of bread": what will the abolition of the moratorium on the housing and utilities fines?


The authorities did not extend the moratorium on the payment of fines on the debts for housing and communal services for 2021, according to Moscow Komsomolets. As now, citizens will have to pay in debt, and whether new sanctions for debtors will be introduced - more in the material.

Recall that the moratorium was introduced as part of the support measures of citizens in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, which came in April last year. Then many residents of Russia literally stood before the choice - to buy bread or pay communal.

What makes will have to pay for long utilities?

The Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services Maxim Egorov explained that the average amount of the penalty would not exceed 1 thousand rubles. It would seem that the amount is insignificant, but the paid relatively small penalty does not exempt tenants from returning the state the principal amount of debt, and these are tens of thousands of rubles.

Many experts note that in connection with the fear of paying fines, many citizens stopped paying for utilities at all, accumulating debts of 50 thousand rubles and more.

However, it is not worth condemning such citizens. After all, many of them remained without work. In general, revenues decreased in 60% of Russian families.

Director of the Organization of People's Control Natalia Chernysheva admits that it is still unknown, which amount will have to pay debtors.

"In a good way, when canceling the moratorium, fines and penalties could only be charged from January 1, 2021, but I guess that they will be charged for all previous months of non-payment," the expert said.

She also noted that since the New Year as a whole did not change - the revenues of Russians did not grow up, the situation was also not normal with unemployment, so people would not be able to pay and pay all the debt.

No money - no resources

January, I not only returned fines for the debts on the payment of housing and communal services, but a ban on disabling debtors from resources has ceased to act, and this will lead to new spending. So, to connect electricity again, you will have to additionally pay about 1.5 thousand rubles.

However, this unpleasant situation can be avoided by law. For example, heating in winter is not allowed to disconnect. For other services, a clear order of notifications is provided - you must first notify for 20-30 days (depending on the type of service) on receipt, then notify for 3 days, also on receipt.

Note that there has not yet been information on the mass turning off of non-payment from utilities services. However, it is not worth relaxing, I am sure Chernyshev.

"I want to hope that the debtors will give some odds and will not allow a very hard scenario. But since the moratorium on the fines was not extended, to believe in such a development of events with difficulty. The punitive mechanism in the housing and communal services is already launched, "she concluded.

Previously, bankiros.ru found out from experts why Russians were obliged to report on real estate transactions.

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