Are Russian investors plan to invest in Bitcoin?


Are Russian investors plan to invest in Bitcoin? 515_1 Investment Website Russia conducted a survey among unskilled Russian investors and found out whether they were invested in Bitcoin and plan it to do it in 2021, consider crypt with a soap bubble or a currency of the future, with which Bitcoin's popularity is associated with the other currency. 2310 people took part in the survey.

  1. Have you invested in Bitcoin?

48% never invested

35% invested some amount

12% I buy, I sell

5% invested earlier, but I do not plan anymore

Those who answered positively to the first question, that is, invested in Bitcoin

  1. At what course did you acquire Bitcoin?

29% of $ 30,000 to $ 50,000

24% of $ 10,000 to $ 30,000

22% of $ 5,000 to $ 10,000

10% of $ 1,000 to $ 5,000

9% to $ 1 000

6% Over $ 50,000

  1. How did you buy Bitcoin?

56% through a cryptocurrency exchange

28% through online exchange wallets

11% via P2P sites

4% through specialized index funds

1% through Bitcoin Terminals

  1. Would you like to increase the amount of your investment in Bitcoin?

46% I plan to increase investment in Bitcoin in 2021

35% is not sure yet and I will look at the situation in 2021

19% I do not plan to increase the amount of investment

Those who answered negatively to the first question, that is, not invested in Bitcoin

  1. Would you like to invest in Bitcoin in 2021?

37% would not like to invest, because I do not believe in Bitcoin

17% would not like to invest, as I expect a decline

16% would not like to invest now because good time is already missed

16% would have invested, I plan to do it in the near future

14% would have invested if there were funds

  1. Are you regretted that they did not invested in Bitcoins a few years ago when he was at times cheaper?

56% yes, sorry

44% no, I do not regret

  1. If you invest in Bitcoin, then what percentage of your investment funds would you allocate for it?

38% from 10% to 30% of investment funds

37% less than 10% of investment funds

13% from 30% to 50% of investment funds

8% more than 50% of investment funds

4% would have invested all his funds only in Bitcoin

  1. Do you think the cost of Bitcoin will grow further?

29% believe in further growth above $ 100,000

27% I do not believe in growth, I think that it will soon collapse

15% believe in further growth at $ 80,000 - $ 100,000

13% believe in further growth at $ 60,000 - $ 80,000

9% believe in further ROSTO $ 60 000

7% think he reached his peak

  1. Do you think Bitcoin soap bubble?

43% It looks like a soap bubble, but it will burst it clearly later than in 2021

39% do not consider bitcoin soap bubble

18% It looks like a soap bubble that will burst already in 2021

  1. Do you believe that cryptocurrency can become a full-fledged currency in the future?

53% yes, everything goes to the fact that states will take a crypt for use

47% no, I think that state structures will never approve cryptocurrency

  1. What is the main threat to Bitcoin in 2021 in your opinion?

40% new regulatory measures

29% drop value that will lead to a sharp sale

15% Competition by Central Banks

6% taxes

5% Competition from Technological Companies

5% hacker attacks

  1. Do you agree that cryptocurrency is mainly used for shadow and illegal operations?

52% I think it looks like the truth, crypt is mainly used for illegal transactions

48% do not think it is so

  1. Cryptovaly owners -

45% probably know more than me

33% foresight, would like to be

22% too trusting and believed in a fairy tale

  1. What do you think is the popularity of Bitcoin and its high prices?

40% the very first cryptocurrency, so the most sought-after

29% Support for famous investors

26% Bitcoin will be "digital gold"

5% in the future Bitcoin will replace traditional currencies

  1. Did you ever think about the Maine cryptocurrency yourself?

42% were such thoughts, but no serious action took

38% never planned to Maja, do not understand it

17% yes, there was such an experience

3% were such thoughts and even bought several video cards

  1. Would you wonder if you invest in other currencies except Bitcoin: Ethereum, Ripple, Chainlink, Litecoin and others?

38% no, I do not believe in them, too, do not want to invest

37% yes, interesting, I think to invest in the near future

25% interesting, I would have invested if there were free funds

  1. To which generation do you feel (on the PEW Research Center scale)?

55% generation Y (born from 1981 to 1996 inclusive)

26% generation X (born from 1965 to 1980 inclusive)

14% generation Z (born from 1997 to 2012 inclusive)

5% generation Baby Boomers (born from 1946 to 1964 inclusive)

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