Spring Fungal Diseases Grapes and Fighting


    Good afternoon, my reader. Spring - the time of waking up life after the winter hibernation. Unfortunately, the disputes of fungi are awakened. And if you do not take action, then the weak grapes may suffer.

    Spring Fungal Diseases Grapes and Fighting 5128_1
    Spring fungal diseases of grapes and fighting them Maria Verbilkova

    Symptoms are small yellowish and oily on the touch stains from the outside of plants. At the same time, the sheet is amazed through: a white torment appears on the inside. Then the fungus captures the whole sheet, it will rake, dry and falls off. The fungal is able to attack not only the resulting leaves, but also buds, ovary and kidneys - they also die and fall out.

    On the sick leaves there are white spots covered with fine powdered flask. Unlike Mildew, the affected leaves do not fall, and hold on the raids and on. If the fungus gets to the weaves, they are also covered with a raid, the leaves begin to grow ugly and curly, shoots almost cease to develop.

    The first manifestations are small dark specks on the leaves. They appear first on the outer, then on the inside. If you start the situation, then the dummy will grow, turning into brown spots with a dark border. At the final stage, the leaf fabric rifles, turning into a through hole.

    Signs are similar to Oidium. Only spots have a yellow and silver shade. The disease develops very quickly: stains merge, the leaves are black and die away. If the disease manifested itself at the ripening stage, it is easier to identify it: the berries are covered with a characteristic touch of "metallic colors". Over time, berries are wrinkled, darken, and the taste becomes a disgusting-grip.

    Spring Fungal Diseases Grapes and Fighting 5128_2
    Spring fungal diseases of grapes and fighting them Maria Verbilkova

    The course of the disease is like an anthracnose, unless light halo awaken around the stains, and the through holes are not formed. If you run a disease, first will be rejected and fall off the leaves, then the shoots will cover with black spots, wood will crack, and the ovary, without developing, rotates directly on the branches.

    The disease wakes up early in the spring and forms brown spots first on young leaves, then on stiff and weaves. Over time, the affected areas are growing, the bark is dying, the shoots dries, and a grayish-brown layer of the plaque appears on the spots. If the disease attacked during the ripening period of berries, then they crack, rot on the vine and are covered with a gray bloom.

    It manifests itself from early spring when rounded dead stains appear on the leaves. The first signs are similar to the anthracnose, but the specks are brighter in the center.

    When the rot is moving to the vine, the oblong stains of the dead cortex appear on it to 2 cm long. The ward is covered with a dense gray rode, and the affected berries dry and mummify.

    Against fungi work in the following drugs:

    • The solution of copper sulfate is a proven classic, there is nothing more powerful;
    • Bordeaux liquid;
    • "Hom";
    • "Abiga Peak";
    • "Chifflor";
    • "Horus", etc.

    In addition to fungicides, biopreparations are useful: "APPOKACTERIN", "Phytosporin", etc.

    Spring Fungal Diseases Grapes and Fighting 5128_3
    Spring fungal diseases of grapes and fighting them Maria Verbilkova

    In the spring, grapes are treated three times:

    1. Before swobhi kidney.
    2. When the first leaves appear.
    3. When swelling buds, but before the appearance of flowers.

    Before spraying, the vineyard is cleaned from garbage, sanitary trimming is carried out, and the vine is attached to the holder. It is necessary to work on the day when the air warms at least to 5 degrees. It follows not only the screens and leaves, but also the ground in the roots. In biological products, it is necessary to work first in the soil.

    All means are suitable for preventive treatment, but if the disease has already manifested itself, they work with a systemic fungicide. You can use contact, but then you need to repeat the processing every week and after each rain.

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