NVIDIA will limit the work of a new video card for cryptocurrency


NVIDIA will limit the work of a new video card for cryptocurrency 5126_1
NVIDIA will limit the work of a new video card for cryptocurrency

The cost of cryptocurrency is rapidly increasing, which is the reason for a sharp increase in interest in the mining by people who have not even thought to earn through the Internet and computers. In the interests of miners, the latest generation video cards fall, which creates a shortage of video cards, but NVIDIA decided to solve the problem of the deficit of new video cards with the original way, limiting the productivity of new products in cryptocurrency production.

It is reported that if the special driver in the GeForce RTX 3060 will detect cryptocurrency mining, it will lead to a limitation of performance twice. A similar measure NVIDIA wants to reduce the shortage of new video cards, because Some miners bore video cards are not several dozen copies, and simple gamers cannot receive a long-awaited map for months or make pre-ordered due to the lack of retail chains.

Representatives of the company noted that the radical step was decided after numerous complaints of people who are ready to give even more market value for a video card, but cannot find GeForce RTX 3060 in a free sale. Moreover, some retailers began to increase the cost of video cards per 100-150 euros, but even with such a pricing policy, the number of people who wish to acquire a new generation video card did not decrease.

But in the statement of NVIDIA representatives and good news for miners. In the near future, a special NVIDIA CMP chip will be created for cryptocurrency mining. The need for new generation video cards for mining cryptocurrency will disappear, so gamers will be able to receive a long-awaited video card, but the company's deadlines and the cost of NVIDIA CMP in the company are not reported.

Over the past days, Bitcoin's cost has exceeded 57 thousand dollars. This precedent has become a turning point for many people who want people to earn with the help of cryptocurrency mining. The forecasts of some experts on the possibility of depreciation cryptocurrency were not justified.

A number of specialists believe that even at the current price Bitcoin, there is a huge potential to increase the value of the most popular cryptocurrency in the world, but also other cryptocurrencies are tingling unprecedented growth in price.

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