Apple launched a site to remove an iPhone activation lock


Apple launched a new service to simplify shutdown activation lock on its devices. As Reddit users noticed, now on the Apple website there is a special web page with three ways to remove activation blocking. The company suggests how you can remove the iPhone activation lock, and also allows you to refer to the specialists if the user has problems with Activation Lock. However, the attackers are unlikely to be able to use this service, since you still need to confirm the fact of ownership by the device.

Apple launched a site to remove an iPhone activation lock 5124_1
The new site will help users to remove activation lock. But only owners

How to remove iPhone activation lock

The easiest way to remove the activation lock, logged in using the Apple ID and password to which the device is tied. However, if you know the email address, but forgot your password, Apple has a special password recovery service. After you specify a new password, you can enter the device with new data and remove the activation lock.

Apple launched a site to remove an iPhone activation lock 5124_2
Apple offers 3 ways to remove activation lock

In most cases, users who want to remove activation lock, do not know Apple ID or password. For this, Apple and launched the site where you can quickly contact the company's specialists. Experts will only help in the following cases:

  • You must be the owner of the device - you will need a document confirming the fact of purchase. The document must include the serial number of the product, IMEI or MEID.
  • Apple will not be able to unlock a device that is corporate or refers to an educational institution. If your device is part of the corporate system, contact the IT department of the company or the manager.
  • Your device should not be in the disappearance mode.

If your device matches these criteria, go to this page and request an activation blocking using a specialist. Apple will ask your email address and device serial number, IMEI or MEID. Then you can send a request, and Apple will contact you by email.

Apple launched a site to remove an iPhone activation lock 5124_3
Apple will check the data entered, and experts will contact you

Note that if Apple removes the activation lock on your device, all files and data stored on it will be deleted without the possibility of recovery. Please note that when restoring the device from a backup, activation lock will be turned on again.

What is the activation lock

Activation lock is designed to prevent the use of your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch with unauthorized persons if it is lost or theft. It turns on automatically when "Finding iPhone" is turned on.

There are many reasons for which you may need to disable the activation lock on the device, for example, if you want to sell or give it. But sometimes the activation lock is turned on not only on the lost devices, but also on those that are on their hands from their true owners. Such stories are sometimes talked in our chat in Telegram.

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As a rule, it is engaged in hackers that apple IDs are engaged, block the iPhone and require redemption owners. Apple hopes to simplify the process of returning accounts for users by running a new service.

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