Lukashenko called the security guarantees of supporters of the condition of leaving the presidential post


Lukashenko called the security guarantees of supporters of the condition of leaving the presidential post 5121_1
Alexander Lukashenko performed at the VI of the All-Belarusian People's Assembly in Minsk

On February 11 and 12, the VI All-Belarusian People's Assembly (VNS) is held in Belarus. The forum is held every five years since 1996, the president, government members, deputies, officials, officers of state-owned enterprises, science and culture officers are traditionally involved in it. This year, the Belarusian opposition was opposed to the conduct of VNS, considering it with the legitimization of Lukashenko's power, and called for residents to go on February 11-12 to protests.

The head of the Republic, Alexander Lukashenko, spoke on the first day of the VNS. At the beginning of the forum, he warned: "It is not necessary to expect from our congress to solve global problems. We denote these problems. " Lukashenko urged Belarusians to watch "different soda channels" and live their lives. "We have shuffled so far, they download now, especially you," I'm already accustomed to - will download and then. As they say in the people: "do not worry". "

About the conditions of caring from power

In the course of VNS Lukashenko called the two main conditions for his departure from the post of President of Belarus. "The main condition for caring out of power is the world in the country, order, no protest actions. Do not turn the country. The second condition - if it works so that there are not those who will come to power, and they will have other views, we will write down the second paragraph that you have no hair, supporters of the current president, should not fall. "

About the constitution

During the year, the draft of the new Constitution of Belarus will be prepared, and at the beginning of 2021 they will hold a referendum, promised Lukashenko. "Firmly convinced, our country must remain the presidential republic. She will be without Lukashenko - not today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. Whatever heroic, the time will come, other people will come. They are already knocking on the door. I hear it, "he said.

Lukashenko noted that the Constitution needs to be changed, because it gives the president too much authority. "Such powers, which are today at the head of state, are very difficult for a person, and it is not a fact that in the future the one who comes to power will endure these powers."

The most dangerous, according to him, if someone from those who are going on protests come to power or was forced to flee from Belarus ("someone from these runaway or protestununov"), since with the existing constitution "just one person The president who turns abroad, and here foreign troops appear. I have the right to contact any country, and troops will be introduced. "

About the All-Belarusian Assembly

Lukashenko proposed to make the All-Belarusian meeting of the constitutional authority, which should be a "stabilizer for a transition period" when he leaves the president's post. In the period of change of generations, the head of Belarus said, there must be a "clear safety net, so as not to lose the country." VNS, according to Lukashenko, should decide the main issue - determination of the strategy of the Belarusian society.

About myself

"I understand that everything came together. I understand that the whole of the Bor's cheese due to the identity of the President of Belarus of the present. Who is this secret? But I want them to and you understand, I am a very decisive person, not cowardly. I have no wealth. Do not believe anyone that I have taken something from someone, glanced. A quarter of a century in power, no one found anything - this does not happen. Now you can find any penny. I have nothing except Belarus. I did not exhibit myself a hero when I ran with an automatic machine on the street. I was just determined. "

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