How to instill an apple tree: Garden Tips


    Good afternoon, my reader. The beginning of autumn is a great time to vaccinate fruit trees. It can be performed by various methods, including in the split and behind the bark. So you coped with a similar task, consider how to properly put an apple tree in front of the cold.

    How to instill an apple tree: Garden Tips 5109_1
    How to instill an apple tree: Gardener Tips Maria Verbilkova

    For each admission method, there is its recommended time limit:
    • The eyepiece should be carried out until mid-September.
    • The vaccination in the split can be assigned to the end of September - the beginning of October. The main thing is to have time to the first frost.
    • The vaccination behind the bark is also carried out at the beginning of September.

    After the first frosts, the tree is no longer worth anxious. The cruise on it is unlikely to take root, but the dive itself may suffer. Apple tree with damaged bark will be more vulnerable to disease. In winter, such a tree may die.

    This is one of the most popular vaccination options that does not require billets. It can be performed on young trees. A few days before the apple tree procedure, it is necessary to hide abundantly. The inhalation itself should be performed like this:

    1. First you need to choose a suitable place to vaccinate. An annual branch is suitable with smooth smooth bark without cracks and blooms.
    2. The place of vaccination needs to wipe so that there were no dust.
    3. A clean disinfected knife must be performed by a T-shaped section. To do this, you must first make a horizontal nozzle with a length of 1.5 cm, and then perpendicular to it a vertical length of 3 cm. The edges of the cortex need to be bent so that they can be inserted to the cord.
    4. Next you need to prepare the kidney for vaccination. It is cut from an annual cutlery along with a shield (thin flap of a width of no more than 1.5 cm wide). Choose for this purpose that kidney that appeared in the summer.
    5. Next, the shield is placed in a T-shaped section, cover it with a crust and wind up the plot with a tape or polyethylene. The kidney itself is left over the surface.

    Such an adhesive must take up for 3 weeks. If this does not happen, you will need to cut off the dive, and the damaged area is treated with garden water.

    How to instill an apple tree: Garden Tips 5109_2
    How to instill an apple tree: Gardener Tips Maria Verbilkova

    This method is suitable for apple trees by age up to 6 years. Perform it like this:
    1. Bottles are harvested. They are cut from annual branches, on which at least two kidneys have already appeared. At the bottom of the cutlets cut off so that he turned out a sharp wedge.
    2. Prepare in stock. Take a branch with a diameter of more than 3 cm, cut off so that a short stump remains. It makes vertical split to 5 cm deep.
    3. The branch is inserted into the dot. The vaccination is fixed with garden ribbon or twine, all open parts of the wood are treated with garden water.

    This method is applicable only for those trees who have a good bark. Perform it like this:

    1. From the tree cut the one-year branches with two sleeping kidneys. Cuttings cut off so that they have a sharp wedge.
    2. Prepare in stock. On the apple tree, they choose a thick branch with smooth bark, it is cut off, leaving 70 cm from the pillar. On the spell near the bark make a longitudinal cut. Corre itself gently move away.
    3. The cuttings are inserted into a fresh cut. The place of vaccinations is abundantly treated with garden harvest and grind over the film.

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